
Goodness. Obviously, the 4,000 man army is split in to smaller groups. Which is why one small group can keep moving throughout the battlefield, while the other larger group is already awaiting the Wessex armies move towards the boats. Hence Floki telling Ivar "You were right, they're going for the boats"

How could there be any tension when a character finds out about a betrayal that the audience already knows about? How could this ever happen? Are you trying to imply that every worthwhile betrayal that occurs on TV happens with no audience or character knowledge?

So much complaining about the action in the first paragraph. The Kattegat action piece lasts about 5 minutes, and the Vikings trickery action piece takes up the last 6 minutes. So 11 minutes of action in a 60 minute episode is too much?

Lacks direction? I don't know if the direction has ever been clearer on this show.

I read an interview with Tom Hardy in the U.K before the series first aired. He basically described the show in 3 parts, and said the first 3 episodes were a slow burn but that if you paid attention then by episodes 4 and 5 you'd really start seeing some payoffs and by 6-8 it's a completely different show. So with

They've known about the frequent efforts of foreign cyber attacks since 2007. It's nothing knew, (especially Russia and China) but when it's fits their narrative, it's the most important issue in human history and threatens the fabric of our democracy. It's pathetic.

Ok, that's a little creepy.

No one is concerned on what he actually does. They just all want to hit their talking points, say he's a racist, fascist, compare him to Hitler etc.. You'd think people would wait for some actual substance to criticize, like say policy decisions? Or what happens to the country during his years in office? But no, let's

This reminds me of True Detective season 2

More like a clinched fist in the air.

So we should just see him in one room, then in the next room, then outside somewhere, then in a boat etc.. with nothing indicating how he arrived at these locations?

i agree that he's waking a lot, but he can't transport, or drive, or fly, it's 1814, walk or ride a horse. I don't disagree with your assessment, I just think enough has been laid out in 2 hours to give the next 6 hours enough to create an intriguing middle and end. I just have a feeling that it will feel like a

Great line of thinking. Just fuck everyone, everyone is worthless if they didn't vote for Clinton. The world is doomed, Trump is a monster, how will we ever survive??

They are half siblings.

It's 2 episodes. Dragging things out through 2 episodes. I mean even Tom Hardy himself said the first 3 are a slow burn with a lot of information and introduction.

You seem like a smart person, it would have been nice to be able have an honest conversation about why Trump was elected, and what type of policies (not just campaign rhetoric) you believe his administration might put forward that would actually cause the Armageddon and social injustice everyone is in fear of. But

Maybe you'll find out about those things in say episode 3 or 4? Maybe even 5? Why do we need to find out something, and then know the full extent of what it means all in a single episode?

Never really understand people begging for reveals in episode 2. Have to build the stories, build the mysteries, and then have the payoffs. You can't have big payoffs every week, and hope to keep some sense of a single thread going for 8 episodes.

You got it man. Everyone that doesn't agree with your political points of view is a racist. I mean, I was fully on board with the democrats before HRC, and I can't even bring myself to be that ignorant. There's no point in having a conversation with someone who will flat out declare 62 million people as being racist

Haha!! Wow. Are you an adult? Seems like you've got all the liberal talking points down to a science. And as someone who voted twice for Obama, I know those taking points very well. But yeah, I didn't see anything in this reply about something Trump has done policy wise to make us think he deserves no tolerance. I