
Dragon Horn.

Do only what is necessary. In the words of this reviewer. This episode could've saved a lot of time:

Just slip it in there. Hey, Sansa is back at Winterfell? With Jon Snow? and not being tortured by Ramsay and the rest of the Bolton's? Cool!. I wonder how that happened? I don't really need to see anything, just give me a brief synopsis.

Just tell them that Rickon had to die, so if he zigged and zagged, he would've been killed anyways.

I think he just wanted them to settle the dispute over who owns the North over tea and crumpets.

They made it there. Euron is coming with the Horn.

The reviewer seemed annoyed that the battle even had to take place to begin with, so how could they possibly enjoy it, they're too busy theorizing on why it was meaningless.

This review seems like it was written before the episode even aired. I don't understand how it could be viewed as just a means to an end, a pointless battle for something that could be solved some other way.

Yes, the Starks regaining Winterfell over the Bastard that now leads the family that benefited most from The Red Wedding, is just a meaningless plot line that doesn't necessitate a battle. They should have just said OK and been done with it.

I think what happened is more than enough reason to think twice about doing it again.

Bathroom scene was intense. Angels in riot gear getting rundown, leading to their conversation with Cassidy. Thought this episode was great, can't always have giant bloody battles every single day in this small Texas town.

Wow, you are probably spot on. But I don't think Margery will die.

Margery will not die. It will be Margery that takes out the Septon. You are correct about Rickon, but incorrect about Jon not killing Ramsay. Ramsay will end up having to flee, once the Knights of the Vale come in from the rear to save Jon's depleted force. Jon and Wun-Wun will chase Ramsay back to Winterfell, Ramsay

2 stories about Jesse do have something to do with each other. The Preacher. The old life, and the new. I thought this episode, like the 2 before it, flowed well and maintained interest throughout, as well as setting up some excitement for next week. Don't really understand this review, acting as if it's all over the

Yes, because it's hard to imagine enjoying a movie about a video game, unless it's a masterpiece of film.

Maybe if the standards for everything that comes out weren't so high, people would be able to enjoy it more.

Ok, I haven't seen this movie. But I'm a fan of Travis Fimmel from Vikings, and Dominic Cooper from Agent Carter / Preacher, so I was going to watch this eventually. I guess it's hard to review movies like this, but when you write things like:

Really enjoying this show. Not a reader of the comics, but it has me engaged already. All the characters are fun to watch. Cassidy, Jesse and Tulip should be a fun trio to follow.

119 year old vampire.

How was Stephen Amell? Always liked him on Arrow. Think he'd be good for a movie like this, but no mention of him in the review.