
If you can’t start out as a Mudder from Canton, I am not interested.

I think it could have worked just fine without the cast from the series in the main roles. After all, they are just a random smuggler’s crew (aside from River). There’s entire ‘Verse out there that needs explorin

I feel bad for the guy. He didn’t know his character was bantha doo doo when he signed up to play him.

I wrote this same comment above, but one thing that really bothers me about Brendan’s case is the testimony from that cousin who said he told her he’d lost weight, etc.

I know! Poor Brendan was so confused, he knows he didn’t do it but he gets so confused. It was heartbreaking. This whole story is heartbreaking.

To say nothing of the fact that the walls of the garage were not drywalled or anything. You can’t just get blood (or any liquid for that matter) out of raw unfinished wood.

It’s fucked up during those scenes of Brendan with O’Kelly, even I thought he was working for the prosecution and he was supposed to be working for Brendan’s defense attorney. I’m shocked that Kachinsky wasn’t disbarred. And I think those cops are full of shit when they say they asked Brendan’s mom if she wanted to be

My real takeaway from MaM is that I want this lamp.

I have only watched 4 episodes but it caught my attention that the brother mentions grieving before they even find the car. And then corrects himself and says that maybe they’ll grieve with her back. Um, I’m not an English native speaker but that sounded very weird to me. Don’t people grieve a loss? Did he already

Yeah! What the hell was that about? My sister and I immediately turned to each with a shared silent look that said, “Um, not right.”

It’s like a man trying to imitate a woman’s voice and failing in some basic way.

Dean Strang may have lost the case, but he won my heart.

My favorite glimpse into this mans brain was when he described Teresa as a “little girl — oops! I mean woman.”

Also the ex boyfriend leading the search complete with maps that included the Avery property.And her male roommate who was never even questioned IIRC?

His voice! Yes! Why is it so creepy?!

This! I can’t imagine being in their place. But to have the prosecution say that Avery shot her in the garage and burned her body and then turn around a few months later in the nephew’s trial and say that Avery and Brenden kidnapped her, raped and mutilated her and then disposed of the body. That deserves some serious

Man, I really want to hear from a member of Halbach’s family who’s not the creepy brother. The whole time I was watching I just kept thinking how outraged I’d be at the shoddiness of the investigation, let alone the likelihood that police co-opted Halbach’s case to put Avery back behind bars. And then there’s the

This Neverland Era Michael Jackson voice having creeper, who more than violated the rights of those domestic abuse victims to whom he sent lurid texts, as well as being among the most unethical douchebags to have ever practiced law, can take a long hike off a short cliff. I would add that he needs a nice dose of

He’s just pissed that his sexting scandal came out and he’s throwing a tantrum like a baby. Even if Avery did it the case wasn’t strong enough, most of the screw ups I think came from the police deciding it was Avery before even investigating the murder.

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