
wait, so why is he a piece of shit? Did I miss something?

Now playing

Let us never forget Gene's love for his fridge.

You know, I'm not surprised that they made this. But it still feels good to get angry.

It kind of is because it won't be coming out for another two years. First, and all that, you know.

I'm very excited about this show. It's Marvel's slap in the face to DC and their where the hell is Wonder Woman for crissakes, as well as TV in general. I mean, Carter is a badass. She's smart, witty, badass, scrappy, and resourceful. I'm very much looking forward to watching this. And the banter between her and

It would be a succubus! A succubass?

"Now with added protein chunks to give your lovable ass that extra kick!"

That's commendable. An organization that is deemed a good will organization would be ruined if they were found to be holding back information or hesitant to get this guy prosecuted.

"The newspapers are gonna be tough on you and prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself." - Rust Cohle, True Detective.

Keep going, this is fun.

So... that gif makes me think your reply is complete sarcasm... and now I'm confused because tinafeyismyspiritanimal makes a good point.

Well said. My thoughts exactly!

Thanks for this! Can't wait to finish watching. And now I'll avoid the rest of the comments. :)

I'm still on episode 9, so do we ever find out how Poussey and Crazy Eyes were sent to prison?

Deets or it didn't happen.

"sitting a giant pot of macaroni"

So like, did he?

Goddamn, girl, doin' God's work. Good on you.