To what end? I mean as far as why the hell do I care if I’m being targeted specifically for content?
To what end? I mean as far as why the hell do I care if I’m being targeted specifically for content?
So what?
Yeah it’s been a real pain in the rectum the last few months, and to add insult to injury, they autoplay when you scroll past them.
I’d rather read a nice magazine on the crapper than scroll around on my phone. If for no other reason than the lack of pop-ups and redirects.
Yeah I’m right there with you, I’m not a prolific selfie-taker in public settings, but I can’t see why anyone would really care. Unless they’re being targeted by assassins.
You don’t know who that is?
I haven’t had the heart to move on since Chaos Theory, still one of my favorite games ever. I sure did try to love Double Agent though. Didn’t even bother with Conviction, and haven’t even delved into my copy of Blacklist either.
Bah coke is pedestrian compared to what he was probably on.
I lucked out and used an S-Video cable on my tube TV to render the text legible in Dead Space, but others like yourself, weren’t so lucky.
I think she meant in the graphics-department. But I’m sure the game is similarly difficult.
+1 Savage burn.
+1 Savage burn.
I keep a PS4 Pro around for exclusives, but that’s about it. Looking forward to the new God of War. Horizon, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Wipeout Collection, and inFamous 2nd Son, all have justified it’s purchase for me. Plus when I visit folks during the holidays I don’t see myself dragging my full tower with me. But I…
Unclock? Haven’t had pleasure yet. I recall Titanfall 2 working fine for me on my 970.
It’s okay to be scared.
Come on man, this is way worse than Quake 2.
Right there with ya. Going to bust out Soulreaver to remind what I used to think “AWESOME GRAFFIXZ” looked like. I played the OPM disk for SR so many times in pure dumbstruck awe.
But in the Ps1's defense, that face isn’t that high-res.
Naw it’s legit. Takes a special flare to make low-poly work. Though I’ll never be convinced that the low resolution aspect is required.
I bet a Snes is older than you are. Not an opinion judgement, just a generational observation.
That video widget is getting worse by the moment.
Well by that logic you’ll never have to buy one. ;)
Well by that logic you’ll never have to buy one. ;)