
I don’t personally post as much as I used to, since my original account got banned for saying Funkopops are garbage. Can’t seem to escape the greys, so I just skim and leave.

Link? I mean I could search but I’m lying in bed like a clam right now.

What is your annual take-home?!

Oh I was just ribbing back man. No worries!

I was morbidly obese as a teen, and in the 20 odd years since then, my metabolism is pretty okay. But I also walk everywhere I need to go up to 5 miles. Depending on time constraints. It’s my golden ticket to splurge every so often.

Already bald, you got some meaner than that in mind?

I’m 34 years old and 6 and a half feet tall.

I regret nothing.

Umm okay?

If by distant you mean 25 years ago, then yes, I believe you’re correct. I still remember watching Under Siege for purely scientific-cake-purposes, and thinking “what a doof.”

Busey was gold though.

It DEPENDS on who he’s fighting! The prunes? Or any living creature.

I’ve never been more unsurprised in my entire 35 years. And that includes birth.

Ouch. Right in the prophecy. He’s an even bigger balloon than our current buffoon.

Playing through The New Order as we speak, it gets darker than it’s beginning would belie. And I’ve seen the first hour or so of Colossus, my interest is very piqued, considering our current societal climate. Who knew 3 years ago that this material would be so damn relevant?

So indicate ‘all’ to charity like I have since the beginning.

Get over it, or go away.

So indicate ‘all’ to charity like I have since the beginning.

Get over it, or go away.

Nah those exist so you can trick your PS4 into installing the game, but only if you claimed it before it was pulled completely. Which I fortunately did. Still haven’t gone through the steps to reacquire it.

I regularly use Xbone controller on my PC and effortlessly switch between it and my PS4. I don’t even understand how this a problem. Though I’ve had to call out PS prompts for people playing games on my PC. Like if it says ‘Y’ I say “Press Triangle.”. Etc.

Now if some godless heathen doesn’t give me an invert Y option

Well I liked it. And my opinion is the only one that matters to me.

Who put a bee in your bonnet?

Who put a bee in your bonnet?

Legit the coolest looking Aquaman ever. But he’s still Aquaman.

You rang?

Reminds me too much of “Amature Allure”.

Hmmm, that does reminds me.