You eat the cat food.
You eat the cat food.
You guys are way behind on this. I’m a little hurt, and surprised.
After viewing this video on my video machine I’ve noticed my teeth taste toothier.
I own one of these. Great for cigarettes, could light a bowl or pinchie as long as it’s not metal, because, electricity. Shitty for cigars, and impossible for tobacco pipes. Charges in about four hours and lasts for about 3 weeks as a regular smoker. Hasn’t failed me yet even after dropping it multiple times.
I own one of these. Great for cigarettes, could light a bowl or pinchie as long as it’s not metal, because,…
Nope. My version of that exact same lighter says “Jobon” on it. Tesla’s name is up for anyone to slap on anything.
Nope. My version of that exact same lighter says “Jobon” on it. Tesla’s name is up for anyone to slap on anything.
If it’s glass, and even then it’s not ideal. Metal will conduct. Ask me how I know.
If it’s glass, and even then it’s not ideal. Metal will conduct. Ask me how I know.
You could light a piece of paper up pretty well with it. But directly lighting a grill wouldn’t be ideal.
You could light a piece of paper up pretty well with it. But directly lighting a grill wouldn’t be ideal.
I wouldn’t if you have a metal slide. I have one of these it’s great for j’s and cigs, but not for pieces.
I wouldn’t if you have a metal slide. I have one of these it’s great for j’s and cigs, but not for pieces.
A comment above seemed to indicate that Target and Walmarts would have a healthy supply in-store. Not sure if that’s true.
I hate filters on my pixels.
I own and have played all the GBA Vanias and still find SOTN to be miles beyond them.
My cat’s name is Burrito. I think I’d still like this.
My mother, bless her heart, made the mistake of buying me a strategy guide with FF8 because GameDicks convinced her to. I didn’t consult it at first, because I got through 7 my damn self(word of mouth, magazines). But even teen me knew they were bullshit. SO the last time I cracked it’s cover I realized I had missed…
Get a life pal.
Sorry dude, but he’s right.
You come off as an ass.
Don’t forget Singularity. A good mix of HL1/2 and Bioshock. I can’t recommend Red Faction anymore, it hasn’t aged very well.
Nope. I usually go through it once every couple years for the nostalgia.
Singularity is a gem. It leans a bit more in the Bioshock direction with the time-powers but it’s got solid shooting mechanics and enough down-time moments to hearken back to HL1/2. Warning though, it’s tough in that 90's shooter kind of way.
I only own Ps4 exclusives, because I mainly use PC. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten around to Bloodborne/Uncharted 4/The Last of Us/Horizon:ZD/inFamous: 2nd Son’s DLC/Persona 5/Yakuza: 0/ in earnest because I am numb with pure options in my Steam folder as well.
I would just sell it personally. Probably command more due to demand in the first month as well. Hell if you’ve been looking at upgrading a PC in your home it’s sticker price could bump it up into a decent range with some parts.