Well, how is it then?
Well, how is it then?
Why do you buy everything? Sounds like a compulsive disorder.
Never get a decent computer with Steam on it. You’ll be broke inside a month.
I don’t timers either. That’s why Dead Rising 1/2, X-Com, and back in the day Valkyrie Profile turned me off. I don’t do escort missions, Resident Evil 4 is still in my shame pile, though I had it on Gamecube. I don’t do open world crafting, Minecraft, Ark, Rust, and Don’t Starve. I don’t do RTS, or WW2 games. Not a…
Blech. It’s free on PC.
Blech. It’s free on PC.
The base Ps4 version is pretty rough.
Yeah I’ve had my fill of all these interpretations of depression and mental illnesses presented in beautiful, limited-interaction, packages.
I’m already perpetually bummed out about giving up on art a long time ago. These just keep coming out to remind me of what I’m not doing, and how not doing that makes me feel.
Isn’t Evolve F2P?
Isn’t Evolve F2P?
I have too have specific tastes. Single-Player narratively focused Sci-Fi or fantasy(Though I loathe Mass Effect and Skyrim), with an emphasis on pseudo-linearity. Ala inFamous series(only open world game I can stand, save H:ZD), or the DMC series. Including Ninja Theory’s best game, and my 2nd favorite Devil May Cry.…
That’s a win in my book. I have enough non-gaming hobbies that yield sell-able products that I could be re-investing in.
As a fellow 3rd-shifter, I get them feels. I have close to the same amount of games across my PC, Ps4, and XB1(arcade titles from 360). That said I don’t have enough time to even play what I have. So this all looks largely like a problem that is self-made. Not to take anything away from the struggle. It’s just not…
5 bucks says we’re going to see a lot of fidget spinner costumes this Halloween.
Have you seen the bonus levels? They iz bootiful.
Whatever you say pal.
Boy howdy are you melodramatic. I’m painfully aware of Digital Homicide and many more that Mr. Sterling has lambasted. And I understand the counter-argument that “someone has to wade through these turds, so you know what’s good!”. But seriously, you can’t play everything, it’s impossible. So I wait until I see…
I know about all but two of those games.
Better them than I. It’s really not hard to watch a trailer and say, “Man that looks like poops.”
I can’t recommend any iteration of the Xb1 at this time. My roommate has one in our living room and he mainly just plays everything on PC anyway. And the only thing I use it for it back-compat 360 arcade titles. And though my gaming is mainly done on PC I regularly fire up my PS4 to play Horizon:ZD, Bloodborne,…
I can’t recommend any iteration of the Xb1 at this time. My roommate has one in our living room and he mainly just…
I only play games I’ve watched/read about. Do you really sift through Steam on a regular basis looking for “gems”. Get outta here with that hyperbolic horseshit.
I have a cheap mechanical Tomoko ($30), and yes I do feel superior to the people shelling out hundred(s).
Here’s a review: