
Can I get a link on that?

Can I get a link on that?

I have no context never having played the games, but this is pretty neat. Could you include more pics Luke? I mean I followed it to Fbook, but it’d be nice to save myself a trip there.

Mandela Effect overload!!

No radiation will kill you after you leave the perimeter.

Also the ending sucks hard.

I’d agree with you there if it didn’t include copyrighted(copywritten?) music in the first 5 minutes. No way they can monetize the video.

Not from where I’m sittin’.

Man that art-style leaves a lot to be desired.

I had to legit google ‘FOMO’. Just say ‘fear of missing out’ for the love of Pete.

I mean I get your point. It’s shady. Nuff said. There’s just a disconnect in my mind regarding ‘what’s to come’ from yours. Then again like I commented earlier, it’s not a requirement. It’s gambling no matter what the nature of a mod is. This one requiring a legit handshake to function, doesn’t set off the same set of

That’s why I recommend waiting until it’s been in circulation for a bit before jumping in with both feet.

Because you installed an unofficial piece of software?

Are you okay? You seem incapable of seeing anyone else’s point.

I did download Deadpool after they took it off all digital services, but never bothered to play it. And now since it’s re-release I refuse to buy it until it’s under 5 bucks.

P.S. Wolverine gets real old, real quick in the Weapon X facility. But it picks back up afterwards.


Now if they could only do something about the spotty texture filtering on High settings. Some texture work looks last-gen, and it was pretty lackluster in the PS4 demo.

Well I’m blubbering like an arse over here.

...the possibility of people who legitimately bought the game being mistakenly affected.

I agree with Smallcat-guy. 2nd hand sales of old software have no impact on the creators, unless they reissue it in some way-shape-or-from. Then I just wait for a deal. The rest? I typically ignore anyway. I got enough contemporary titles I don’t play as it is.

I bet you pirate everything and only adopt this ‘holier

I bought the disc on PC personally.

Works just fine.