William Rice

If you ever meet a NASCAR driver IRL, you might be surprised that he lack of bulk. Most are tiny.

Exactly. Why do you care if she gets gross stuff on her feet? There was an implication that she might track something around, but shoes do that very well already. Are bare feet dirtier than shoes?

They even made special snowflake wheels for the very special manly man that gets to drive this thing.

You might want to try using google maps to route you to work. Let google figure out if that road is backed up. They already know.

Look’s a hell of a lot like a GTO.

Why not laminate the glass or cover each side in film so that the glass would both be protected from small stones and contain most of the shards in a breakage? The thought of tiny pieces of glass raining on a child is chilling!

If you buy the tool for the plastic case, I can’t help you.

If you buy the tool for the plastic case, I can’t help you.

Wow, I paid about this much for my Bosch Hammer drill / impact driver combo. The impact driver is an incredible tool, drives screws below the surface of concrete board like butter. It would be difficult to regret buying this set. The batteries don’t seem to lose any charge in storage, always ready for work.

Wow, I paid about this much for my Bosch Hammer drill / impact driver combo. The impact driver is an incredible

Good way to start a war.

You don’t need a baby monitor. It’s a pacifier for you and encourages anxiety. Our Pediatrician told us not to buy one and she was right.

Nope. I gave no shits at 3:45 and I stand by my actions. Kid fell back to sleep, survived the night, therefore I’m a winner.

Nobody really wants to watch your baby. It might be fun for someone to listen in for a few minutes but they will regardless quickly become bored and are unlikely to blackmail you for putting the baby back to bed without a proper burp at 3:45 am.

Wait. Someone that is OK with paying for F-35s and the USS Ford is concerned about medical costs for a few trans soldiers? Bull to the shit.

Accord and Camry are much roomier (read bigger) cars than the Mazda 6. Really, it’s about how you want your cockpit, either smaller with everything at your fingertips and HUD(!) in the 6, or a airier space in the Accord and Camry with room to move around more. I liked the 6, wife liked the Accord.

How about in situations where the Democrat absolutely cannot win? Giving money to Democrats in Utah is just a waste of money. There are so many districts that are safe, why not make sure the winner is on your side?

There is a bar right there.

No stealth. The military only plans for Peer force wars (that won’t happen) and that requires stealth to last past day one.

I’d pay 1800 because it’s clean. Hence, CP

Foster parenting is way harder than adoption. You have to take in a kid from a bad home and work with both the kid and the parents to get them back together. Brutally hard if you care for the kid and want them to stay with you.

I understand the system as it is now but some are calling for sales only to FFLs.