A crawfish

That’s not how it works.

He stole that quote like it was in the seafood section of Publix.

Jameis, we’ve been through this before. You play for the Buccaneers.

Lions also do not accept that one has to pay for crab legs.

Lions don’t accept opinions of unwilling sexual partners either.

You mean the Belichik is pissed because an obscure rule bit him on the ass? You don't say.

“Maybe if more men listened and acknowledged these feelings, we wouldn’t have such a low opinion of you.”

you know who else is weary around men until those men have proven they are not abusers? my shelter dog. surely, your mind is more evolved than my shelter dog, who was in all likelihood abused in the past.

reading your posts, I have trouble believing you’re human. Rather, I will assume you are a bot that was simply programmed to come across as a human cliche. if you are human, have fun living in your little demented bubble.

Fuck off. I’ve never told anyone to be wary of men.

She only got to where we was because of people like you who deflected any legitimate criticism of her incompetence by screaming “misogynist”. So, um, good job and stuff.

Women can be soulless, ignorant fuckwads too. What a revolutionary concept.

ETA: Years ago at Lucent I used to defend her. Not because I liked her, just because the bullshit any woman exec catches is always heavily laced with misogyny.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

That’s so remarkably dark that I have to, in a rare moment, disagree with you.

He’s a white NFL player born and raised in Texas. Half of their fan base is jacking off to that idea as we speak.

Jerruh is just hoping Cleveland cuts him. I, for one, wanna watch that Johnny Manziel shitshow in Dallas. Somewhere, a Cowboys fan thinks Manziel is the key to a Super Bowl victory.

If I were Romo’s vet, I’d be having a very difficult discussion with Candace right about now.

I have a bad feeling Dallas is looking at a 3rd string quarterback currently riding the pine in Cleveland