
i cant find it but there was an episode when i was a kid of either sally jesse raphael or phil donhue. it was girls coming out to there parents as strippers, by stripping in front of them on national tv. one girl played oh daddy by fleetwood mac, whilst she stripped for her dad in the front row. as a young homo, it


i want to be sent to his office very badly.

i was totally happy watching this and going ..."fuck ya"....then the music started...

gawd i love him. i hate his wife. whoever she is.

can i get an amen on that? well said.

agreed. and im sure he has been beaten a few times. he is old school gay, and i respect and love him for all the glass ceilings he has shattered. im conflicted on this as a gay man, because im not very PC with my close friends (mainly a mix of str8 and lesbians, with a smattering of my mo's) and i take issue with

for serious. totes with you.

this is a picture of that creep sicko grabbing onto her ankle as he is being dragged away. what a horrifying encounter to have with someone. i feel terrible for her.

ok guys, your gonna think im cray. ive managed a record store almost my entire life. i just a few years ago went back to the dentist on the regular for routine check ups and am where i need to be....but.....

so sorry to hear about that.

i ride public transpo a lot. so much that i can tell u with a crazy amount of certainty that she is indeed nodding out from heroin use.

what are u putin in your asshole?



Now playing

haters gone hate. this was in atlanta right after she was getting a ton of heat for her "racist" tweet. dont feel like a place a racist girl would be at or play at. regardless of what u think of her "art".

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ok that new song sucks, but she also released this a few weeks back and its AH-MAH-ZING.

my most liked was me being thankful that my bong was repaired in time for thanksgiving.

how have the not noticed!!!?????!!!! i love this!