
im not ever super psyched when the games come on. i watch for sure, and am always impressed but its always been an afterthought.

i was so wanting to post that video! i felt this one was a bit more fitting though!!!

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Im obsessed with her. have been since i was a little mexi homo.

agreed. im a wimp for this stuff. damn u human spirit for making me weepy!

your gif just made my pants tighter. we can have it catered by sur (just so we can treat the staff like shit, cuz they suck) and we can serve Ramona Pinto gris!!!!! the wheels are spinning now!!!

ill have to get my boyfriends approval, but he hates the housewives so he wont mind at all. last night after i saw ur post, he came home to me super stoned, eating a burritto, on a 3 hours housewives spree. it was my safe place.

we should be married.

thank you for this.

im not a picky man. i will at least dry hump 90 percent of humanity. and yet, somehow, i feel nothing in my parts for this guy. next to the d'angelo version, he seems so pathetic and puny. look, im from Portland, and even with that im just not feeling his emo/hipster song and look. i think the band overestimated

that, my friend, is a real housewife.

not for nothing, but Laurie Metcalf was considered as great of an actor as John Malcovich when they were young and in the chicago theatre scene. when she was on Roseanne, she became close to Don Knotts, and he remained her mentor until his death. she is the real fucking deal, and so underrated.

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this is video of aaryn finding out! made me feel so giddy!!!

i gave up on him awhile ago, but dammit, the new album is fucking amazing.

and comic books. of course!!!

just go on tumblr and search his name. ull thank me for it.

no judgement, but this is the cover to her cd, which Phil produced. yes, thats really the title.