Is there a joke here that’s going over my head?
Is there a joke here that’s going over my head?
They have rankings of these things, based on statistics. He hasn’t been in the top 10 in QBR in the last two seasons, and he’s currently ranked 31 for 2019.
Is there really a lot of resistance to the reality of Iran’s involvement? On day one there was, because of the lack of info, and the Houthies with their hand up. But now it seems fairly solid where these came from.
How is accurate information fear-mongering? A standard F-150 has a 23 gallon tank, meaning that an increase in gas prices of $0.39 / gallon would increase the cost of your fillup by $9.
Is that sarcasm? Please let that be sarcasm. “Integrity in gaming journalism” is just used to provide a thin veneer of respectability to the hate spewing from the mouths and keyboards of the gamer gate crowd.
“I play video games, but I’m not maladjusted and I have a sex life” doesn’t roll off the tongue.
Agreed. One of my many hobbies is playing video games. I no longer consider myself a “gamer.”
I’ve been playing video games for over thirty of the nearly forty years I’ve been on this planet. For a while in there, I insisted on continuing to call myself a “gamer,” even when the GamerGate fuckery was going on, because I refused to let the trogs have it.
...but y’know what? They’ve won. If I’m ever asked about my…
He was never going to give the money.
“people were getting too close to the truth”
I know what you mean. I’m surprised the Lizardmen haven’t had him assassinated yet in a pizza joint’s basement.
Its the same people who think the anti-fascists are the real fascists
For the same reason the Ion Fury people rescinded their apology - horrible people hate nice things, and he has a financial interest in not pissing-off the group do of really loud horrible people who subscribe to his channel and watch his videos.
So we’re all done pretending this chucklefuck is anything less than an insincere dick who manages to keeps failing upwards and somehow continuously milkshake ducks the hell out of everyone, right?
Look, at this point I think it’s pretty clear that PDP’s actions DO speak louder than his words, given that his words were, ‘I’m going to give money to an anti-hate organization’, and his actions were to NOT give money to an anti-hate organization.
Hahaha! What an asshole. It’s a hell of a thing that the biggest emissaries of this hobby are a fucking gaggle of racists, bad-faith grifters, and emotionally stunted perma-adolescents.
Pewdiepie resending his donation after neonazis (His fanbase) got made implies strongly that he agrees with his fanbase (Neonazis). So. You know. Fuck Pewdiepie. The nazi fuck.
Such bravery.
Haven’t read yet, just wanted to say: You’ve done it again, Jason. This is the kind of investigative journalism that we need in the gaming industry, and you continue to hit home.