
What the hell would aspirin have done? Its for people with coronary problems resulting in cardiac arrest. Nothing to suggest that was the case, and she was 25! Young people do not present with coronary problems and having her chew aspirin would not and is not standard procedure for a person under 30 who has chest pain.

I’ll be the devil’s advocate here: ER doctor/nurse gave her an EKG/ECG and the results were normal. It’s not unusual to have to wait for multiple hours in an ER.

Any competent medical professional will NOT give nitro to anyone showing up with chest pain and shortness of breath. Her EKG was fine, her O2 saturation, her HR, and her BP would have all be assessed. Likely, triage decided that she was not in imminent threat. She didn’t text out that she was nauseous or showing other

He won the majority of this fight, stupid fuck

Ouch nice comeback lol


He was doing great, until he got his ass beat.” LOL

yeah he won the majority of the fight until he got his jaw re-aligned. go cry some more.

The fact that this asshole blamed everyone but himself for the loss & refused to give his opponent any credit is right on brand for anyone supporting Trump. I hope he gets a rematch and gets his ass beat again.

The classic:

“and making games for a capitalist market.”

Being correct in some ways doesn’t prevent you from being incredibly, disastrously wrong in others.

Why are they problematic specifically and what makes you think current Marxists aren’t thinking critically?

there is a 99% possibility that the leftist shitbags who run this site have shadowbanned me

I love how obnoxious screeds like this are always 50% fantasizing your own oppression because it’s the only way even you can imagine your flaccid, poorly constructed diatribe having any weight.

Meh. They were right about some things, but Marx’s ideas for a revolution have always been flawed. It will invariably lead to an oppressive police state, which others pointed out at the time (Bakunin, for one) and has been borne out by history.

Marx and Engels are hugely problematic, though.

Everyone here is giving Ivanka way too much credit here. She has no idea that unemployment benefits would be cut to implement this plan or if she does, she doesn’t understand why that’s bad. She probably also doesn’t understand why taking out a loan against Social Security (also I could go to a bank to do that?) for

Calm it down it’s been seven years