
The normalisation of young female sexual agency with older men in our culture is fucked up. I saw Pretty Little Liars for the first time last night (friend just split up with her husband and we were looking for something silly to watch). There’s a whole subplot around a sixteen year old girl pursuing her twenty

The main thing I take from this story - other than the judge is a fuckwit - is that if someone offers you money for sex, that automatically makes you a prostitute...?

In a perfect world, any monetization is going to the victims.

You are exactly right.

The date that “Setting the Record Straight” video was published says June 29, 2015 which is two years before he was arrested!

“I’m just trying to help you” is right next to “Look what you made me do” in the child abuse phrase book.

Also, this guy is 26? With that haircut? He deserves to be in jail.

YES! Why hasn’t it been permanently removed??????

Why is this asshole’s channel still up and running??!!?

My comb-over criminal romance

That shit has got to be covering some male pattern baldness starting to happen.

The fuck is that hairstyle?

“Inappropriate, negative behaviors” is an awfully generous description of preying on underaged girls.

So um bullies can react calmly when they're getting their way. The oppressed and their allies can not react calmly when their very lives and humanity are put at stake. In other news water is wet!

Red Hats Are The New Brown Shirts.

I just find it funny that literally no one heard of “fake news” or had a problem with the media before the orange turd took office. Just another company line force fed to you by the ONLY source of news.. Fox.

If you show up wearing a MAGA hat you’re showing up expressing a political opinion.  If you show up to protest women’s rights, you’re expressing a political opinion publicly as well.  Hardly, “minding their own business.”

I never said they didnt do anything wrong. Nothing illegal.. but they were certainly acting like assholes. I just will never understand how “owning” the libs is more important than just saying.. “wow, those kids were just being complete douches”. Disrespect for their elders. Mocking a Native American. If this was my

A MAGA hat moron calling someone a homophobe? Peak Irony. For real find a short pier and walk off it.

Bro, how do you not see your own contradiction here: