
So um bullies can react calmly when they're getting their way. The oppressed and their allies can not react calmly when their very lives and humanity are put at stake. In other news water is wet!

Red Hats Are The New Brown Shirts.

I just find it funny that literally no one heard of “fake news” or had a problem with the media before the orange turd took office. Just another company line force fed to you by the ONLY source of news.. Fox.

If you show up wearing a MAGA hat you’re showing up expressing a political opinion.  If you show up to protest women’s rights, you’re expressing a political opinion publicly as well.  Hardly, “minding their own business.”

I never said they didnt do anything wrong. Nothing illegal.. but they were certainly acting like assholes. I just will never understand how “owning” the libs is more important than just saying.. “wow, those kids were just being complete douches”. Disrespect for their elders. Mocking a Native American. If this was my

A MAGA hat moron calling someone a homophobe? Peak Irony. For real find a short pier and walk off it.

Bro, how do you not see your own contradiction here:

Lets take this from another angle.. do I think the kids were doing the worst thing in the world? Absolutely not. Were they acting like 17 year olds? Probably. Was their violence? No. Would this be a story if it wasnt for the MAGA hats? Maybe not.

Son after watching the film WHAT FUCKING SIDE OF THIS ASSHOLE’S STORY NEEDED TO BE TOLD?? Really what needed to be added? The fucking adults in charge of these low level sacks of shit had let them wander off to confront a group of people that had nothing to do with their trip so guess what asswad? They were already in

Well than you are obviously a sociopath 

Seriously, your MAGA hat is all we need to know about how you think. Period. Its a modern day swastika. And it should be. So fuck off little Nazi - go fuck your sister/wife and worship at the the foot of a con man.

Yes Fox news doesnt push any propaganda. Watch the whole video. Furthermore, if the kids were black they would have been called “thugs” for doing the same thing.

Its no longer a political view.. its about morality and - dare I say - “owning” the libs. I’m old enough to remember you MAGA idiots attacking the Parkland School kids for... what? Not sure. Oh thats right, they wanted to get rid of guns and, you know, not get shot at while at school. Apparently that was too much for

anything MAGA is exactly that!  Period.  You people are scum.  Go fuck yourself

“actually watched the video.” So you saw the kid to smirker’s immediate right combining the Atlanta braves “chop” with the KKK hand symbol and waving it in the man’s face. And you see that as a perfectly normal and acceptable action.

Go fuck yourself with that shit..  racists being racists.  Period.  People like you need a rope and a stool.  Done with you MAGA idiots.  Go back to your caves or do us all a favor and off yourself

I’ve only seen this and one USA Today article (this morning)

Nathan Philips said his peace in another interview and I don’t think he wants to drag this out anymore. He doesn’t seem like a fame monger to me.

The narrative is that those teens wearing the hats of a racist politician are racist. The new videos show...those teens wearing the hats of a racist politician. They’re racist, dumbass.

We have all condemned teenagers for less when it comes to respect and when its in front of everyone, we have them now doing backflips to turn it around (and yes like you I saw the long, the short and multiple camera angles). No matter what video you see, they are all acting like disrespectful douche bro teens trying