
Smart people - or at least smart people who're worth dating - aren't going to necessarily be ruling you out if you're not equally as smart as they are. The biggest thing is if you're engaging your intellectual curiosity, willing to ask questions, especially when you don't understand and are willing to *listen*, then

I think I'm a bit on the "intimidated" side when it comes to smart girls. I love smart women. It happens often that when I state something and a girl corrects me with hard data, I get an instant crush on her. My last girlfriend was studying at one of the most prestigious (and expensive) collegues in my country with a

Damn. That just broke me.

Christ I was keeping it together until that.

I was doing okay until I saw Evan Rachel Woods' tweet that just said "Genie, you're free" and then I fucking lost it.

Cops? Oh they're too busy getting hardons confronting unarmed teen black boys and telling them to 'get the fuck outta the middle of the street,' then shooting them in the back, to bother with brutal murdering rapist boyfriends.

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

Not that you or anyone asked me, but I eat on about $40/week in Canada, which I think is pretty good, especially since I am hella picky :)

A little off topic, but your comment reminded me of something. One day as I stood chatting with a coworker, I noticed a longish dark hair on the front of her light-colored sweater. I reached out to pull it off and was horrified to discover it was attached—to her breast! It had somehow worked its way out. She yelped

My hair grows incredibly fast — maybe an inch a month? And people are soooo impressed.

Eyebrows thin naturally as you age. If you've overplucked them already, and, like Whoopi, you DGAF, you have this.

Word. I've got three of them that reappear irregularly on my face (but always in the same spots). I look obsessively for them and when I feel one start to grow there's always this horrifying first day when the hair is not QUITE long enough to pluck and I have a mental breakdown.

I get compliments on how thick my hair is. People don't realize that it comes with a price, and that price is thick hair that grows quickly in other places too. I'm pretty sure I get my arm hair from my grandfather, I suppose I should consider myself extremely lucky that I did not inherit his shoulder hair as well.

Whatever i'm still waiting for the long curly black hair growing out of your chin that you don't notice for 6 months to come into style.

I wanted a drug-free birth for two reasons. 1. I didn't want to go to the hospital. I was not interested In being bothered with hospital rules and hospital staff, and I did not want that many people around while I was feeling vulnerable. Therefore, I chose a birth center. 2. I felt a sense that I wanted labor and

If you're looking for a decent google Maps replacement that does not need a data connection (except for traffic conditions ahead) check out CoPilot.

If I'm going on vacation and/or will be moving about a lot, what Valkana said.

I still have some puppy brain (Squirrel!) issues at night but I do my meditation practice and some yoga asanas in the evening to counteract that. I have more anxiety in the morning. The appetite thing doesn't bother me too much, makes it easier for me to follow a low GI/high veg eating plan and me losing a few isn't a

Uh huh. I'd be willing to hypothesize that some women experiencing anxiety have undiagnosed ADD. When your lobes aren't communicating well (the neurological basis of ADD) you're spacey, forgetful & make mistakes because you can't focus. Not knowing why you can't get it together causes serious anxiety & self doubt.

Hey! I have seizures and a Genuine Diagnosed Anxiety Disorder!