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blowjob-glamorizing outlet
When the language one uses toward their parent is more important than the safety and well-being of the child... SMH.
In my country, we are taught to make driving decisions based on observation, not assumption.
When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.
I watched this same exact video last semester in my Manufacturing Processes class!
I wanted to reply to the first comment on this so bad, but I don’t want to bring that out of the grey where it belongs.
Think of it this way, you are also partially responsible for saving the lives of people protected from the bad guys who were killed by that plane.
You know, it’s not logical to feel guilt for something you didn’t really have a direct hand in, but I’ll tell you from personal experience, it’s real and it’s a shitty feeling.
Is that even a question
I thought the Murcielago was donated by Liberty Walk. Maybe you’re thinking of the Lexus LFA with the NASCAR V8 swap.
You completely missed the cultural aspect of kei cars though. Sure, they’re horrible from a US or European cultural standpoint, but think about it in terms of Japanese culture:
How did you manage to reproduce? I think Mrs. Torch needs her own column on Jezebel. Bet she's got a lot of material to work with.
He had so much more motor than everyone else. Two mechanical failures in three laps and he passed everyone like they were going backwards. Give me a break.
They do a test burn of all the engines a day or two before the actual launch to check all systems are functioning.
So I was thinking CA was for conditional access....but exactly what interface would it be using that was unique to this particular laptop? Since this is very much pre-USB is it not an RS232 hardware device? I cant think of any proprietary connection on this notebook that would require it rather than any other machine…
Ok I’m old enough to have been a computer geek in the era of DOS and config.sys/autoexec.bat manipulation and have been a card carrying computer nerd for 25 years, so it surprises me to hear reference to a “CA card” I have never heard of
WTF is a CA card?
This doesn’t surprise me at all. I work at an avionics company and we support stuff that was designed 30+ years ago (if it’s still flying we’re still supporting it, even if we haven’t built it for years.) We’ve got a lab for our first CRT-based display/integrated avionics system that runs on an Apple IIe. Our IT…
A fancy suitcase.