Vittorio E

I will have to pay closer attention during that scene with Moneypenny but I doubt that's C in her bed.


If you're an Amazon Prime member you can get this gorgeous album on VINYL for $8.99:


Here's the original teaser, when it was still called "Eaters of the Dead" with Graeme Revell's score:

Those are good burgers, Walter.

If Radiohead IS an "electronica band" (I don't necessarily agree; they're just a band), then it happened before the turn of the century. Really, only Pablo Honey, The Bends and OK Computer could be considered straight "rock" albums. Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows and The King of Limbs kind of blur the line with a

1. If You're Feeling Sinister
2. Tigermilk
3. The Boy with the Arab Strap
4. Push Barman to Open Old Wounds
5. The BBC Sessions

Her cup of tea, she would admit to no one.

Has anyone seen the live Myxomatosis clip where Thom Yorke stops the band mid-song because he notices an audience member having a seizure? The best part is when he smoothly counts the band back in and they launch into the song right where they left off.

My take away?
Don't get into a coffin while high.

Blacklight was pretty terrible but I still listen to More Adventurous.

The Arcade IS featured briefly in Elizabethtown. It's the place Kirsten Dunst's character claims has "the best chili in the world." When I went there I tried to order some but apparently it's a seasonal dish (I was there in the summer).

I don't understand the inclusion of Anna Faris in this Inventory. She looks no better or worse to my eye than she does in any other film. Now, her performance in Smiley Face should DEFINITELY be included in an Inventory about underrated comic performances. She is a damn funny comedienne.

A good detective simulator.
I've completed roughly 25% and while the gameplay is more limiting than Red Dead Redemption and GTA 4, I'm loving the slower pace. The reason I'm progressing so slowly is because I keep replaying missions when I feel my police work was less than adequate. I never have this impulse with

Just waiting for the zombie movie version…

High five!
Sweet, bro!


That does it. Over to Hulu Plus to watch the Sandwich Day episode.

I'm gonna cut your face up so bad, you'll have a chin.