
My parents told me a story about how one time they were playing with one, and they asked it for a combination to a locker, and it actually clicked out the numbers... and they were right! I don’t mess around with that stuff. I believe very firmly in spirits and that they’ll use any means necessary to communicate with

I love all the haters in the comments. You do know this in entitled, “Scary Stories” ones based on taking the face value (honor system) of people telling personal stories. You don’t like it, submit a better one, or just don’t read them. This is for amusement and for people to get a little scared. They don’t scare you?

I was hesitant to write my experience down, but in some ways, I think it will be therapeutic for me.

When I was 17, I moved out of my house and away from my abusive mother. My aunt had a 2nd floor loft above her garage - she graciously let me live there in order to get out of the situation I was in. The loft was about

Yaaaay! I'm Jezebel famous! Glad I could share my weird family story and contribute to the spookies!

My neighborhood used to be the ‘suburbs’ of my home city, but over the last 40 years or so development and mall building has swallowed it to where it’s basically just ‘north of downtown’ and the suburbs are way out in the sticks. So the street my wife and I live on—and both coincidentally grew up around—is early-60’s

Your friend sounds as though he had a psychotic disorder and had delusions and auditory hallucinations.. Many people with psychosis can appear functional at times. Chances are, his parents DID know something was up with their son and were either in denial about it (as so, so many parents are, at least initially) and

Okay, so I am going to tell this little story that my mother refuses to even acknowledge as she is freaked out enough by it. Apparently I have always had a sensitivity to ‘other forces’ beginning from a baby. For example, My parents took me to my deceased grandmothers grave and apparently I was thoroughly entertained,

I’ve oddly never been afraid of ghosts. Maybe because I’ve always heard stories and had non religious parents. This is a story we heard a lot growing up.

Well, this may stay in the greys but I’ll whip it out next year:

I was always a weird child. Since very young, I could hear people calling my name. Mom actually thought I could be schizofrenic at one point of my life, but after many stresstful moments in life and already dealing with anxiety for years, no sign of it. (I also have a doctor I see every month to get my meds and he

I grew up in a small town on an Indian reservation. Most houses in this town (cheap, rundown project houses) had creepy histories and stories. Some worse than others. One house stood out in particular.

Here’s one story I’d like to throw in for fun. An experience from a close friend of mine.

OK, So I’m curious to see if anyone else thinks this is creepy.

I have a story... but first some background and a disclaimer. First, the disclaimer. I know the history behind Ouija boards. I know they’re bullshit. But I swear this really did happen. Second, the background. I have this close friend who was killed in a car accident when we were 18. Losing him just about destroyed

When I was eighteen I believe I had an out of body experience. It was a normal night, I went to bed and was dreaming about the usual things. Suddenly I awoke and felt this terribly uncomfortable feeling all over my body, almost like I was being suctioned out of my skin. I remember thinking just let it be over I can’t

Lurlene McDaniels and the book was 6 Months to Live, bless her heart. I think I might still have my copy. As a clumsy child I had a lot of mysterious bruises and after I read that book I thought I was going to die.

I’m not sure if this counts, but my brother died in Iraq when his humvee rolled over a bomb. So some time passes and the pastor of the church my family goes to, goes to sleep and has this really vivid dream. He dreams my brother drives up to him in a humvee. The pastor says he can’t hear his own voice but he asks

Ok! (All names changed to protect privacy) When I was 11, my very good friend Jane passed away after an awful several year battle with cancer. Among our group of friends, I was the only one who stuck around (not blaming anyone, we are in 5th grade, ffs) at the last painful bout and I held her hand at hospice hours

Why only 11 at a time? That does not sustain my appetite for scary. How about delivering these in 100-paks?

I wanted to submit one, but ran out of time. I’m not using my real name here, but something happened to me when I was fourteen and I have never made sense of it. It really and truly occurred. It scarred me and when I think about it, I still wonder if I could have done something to prevent my friend from dying.