alternative accountant

My 81-year-old father developed vascular dementia, an ungodly terrible way to live out your last days. It was a stroke that fatally did him in. He died four months from the time of the “formal” dementia diagnosis. Hard to say how long it was really going on as he hid it so well in the beginning (our mom had passed

Good for you. I don’t know how you manage every day.

So she’s an ALTERNATIVE feminist, eh?

And none of us have jobs. When in actuality it is my time of year to put in 60+ hrs/week and still found time to attend (protest) a local town-hall by Senator Rob Portman. Yes, us “libtards” and “Hillanazis” had nothing better to do. Just your taxes, dumbass.



Yes, I suffered from it when my father died.

ShipLAP, by chance?

As an Ohioan, I’d like to simply say he is an asshat.