Ugh. Sorry to hear that. Origin has gotten a lot better than it used to be but when it poops the bed it really lets it all go.
Ugh. Sorry to hear that. Origin has gotten a lot better than it used to be but when it poops the bed it really lets it all go.
Gamegated ManFortress's comment was funnier, you should try to be more like him.
Don't listen to anyone, you are the delicate flower which thrives upon the dung-hill.
Yeah, Franco is ok. I was impressed that the Bukowski book he chose to put on his reading list was Hollywood. He seems like a decent kid.
Are you requesting the change via a mobile device? Origin used to have some serious issues with changing login and screenname info from mobile.
I accidentally refreshed while I was trying to reply to your giuliani comment - Couldn't figure out how to just delete the comment altogether, so we get this.
This music was the best thing about that game. Maybe even the only good thing.
<3<3<3 and hugs and kisses too, you are now my favorite internet person for today.
Oopsie, I done replied to the wrong comment.
This is probably going to happen much sooner than anyone realizes.
This piece is fantastic. Not that it matters much what I think, but I just want to say that. Among the best stuff I've read on any Gawker site in awhile.
Oh, ouch, ouch, stop it. No. Git out.
That's actually a pretty reasonable set of questions. But dude - the original kickstarter that got people so upset about this was asking for $6,000. It ended at $158,922. (source)
The fact that some people don't or won't see the connection between the increase in abuse she's gotten and the influx of donations she's received is pretty telling.
You might be interested in this too, although I doubt you'll bother to look at it, it's probably a bit edgy for you too :)
Cool man, I'm happy that you are happy. Although I should point out that "talking senseless shite about something until it goes away" is, historically speaking, not a very useful tactic.
lol, I guess not. I do see how the the collective hyperventilating of a bunch of regressive douchebags shot her into the public eye. So, congrats. Good job. You did that.
Makes them sound like breeding stock on a farm, I wonder why they didn't vote with him?
Uh, through monetized channels. Which show ads at the beginning of the videos, which you, again, have very obviously never bothered to watch.