
It’s not a fucking mystery. This shithead in his giant fucking truck saw all those brightly colored dandies on their bicycles. Since they were not actively polluting the planet, this hitler youth decided to show those Euro-scum what for! I was an avid cyclist in my younger years and have had shitheads do this to me on

But that’s the thing. The ‘bugs’ are so bad I can’t actually play the game. Random freezing, severe FPS issues, like down into the single digits bad, and lurchy hoverbike physics, and wonky climbing all mar what could easily be one of my top games of the year. The structure, atmosphere, art style, and story are all

It is hilarious to me that this guy thinks there is any sort of artistic integrity associated with a movie based on a game about animatronics coming to life and ganking people.

Subjectivity is king here. I adore the flattened atmospheric perspective, a direct homage to the works of Moebius. Not everything is drop frame animated in the game. For me the only true barriers are the game breaking bugs such as the hoverbike physics and the severe FPS stuttering.

Honestly I think this review glosses over Sable’s completely broken state, at least on the Xbox One family of consoles. Almost irresponsibly so.

This is so weird. I recently discovered return of Reckoning. I was overjoyed, I loved the original Warhammer online. It scratches that classic MMO itch but it has enough modern touches that it doesn't feel aggressively against the player. Funnily enough it has one of the most positive communities I've ever met in an

I adore Pathfinder. It gets a bad rap for being too crunch but its honestly not that complex. The action economy is far better defined than 5e and the granularity provides a framework to maintain a consistent rpg experience. IMO 5e has wandered mostly into “let’s tell a story together!” which is all well and good but

If you were playing so many mobile games that you need these, you need to go outside you giant dork. These are easily the geekiest thing I've seen in a long time and not in a good way lol

As long as i get to kill shit as kratos with a giant axe, i really don’t give a hoot about the window dressing :D

Lucas the Spider: The Game

Both companies are gross and should be avoided at all costs.

Thank God that God of War Rag is coming to ps4. Really the only one that looks interesting.

Genshin looks like a beautiful game with a fun world to explore, but the whole playing several protaganists and switching them out, not getting to create your own pass. Just like with FFXIV, it seems interesting from afar but upon a closer look it just loses all appeal.

I don’t give two fucks about his guy. However there is absolutely a huge issue with people facing consequences for comments they have made in the past (obviously actual crimes are a different story). If we’re going to torch anyone to the ground if they made some ill advised comments in the past, we’re eliminating

I mean....isn’t shit like gay daddy dating sims? I’d say there’s some pretty fucking silly games out there my dude.

It’s because society worships the celebrity and money. In the end we’re all people who have at one time or another said or done something we regret, because we’re all fucking human. But jealousy and Instant Outrage (TM) dictates that we all get up in arms about shit all the fucking time.

While i personally find some of her views reprehensible, truly at blame is this country’s obsession with people who play pretend for a livings opinions. Actors, singers, models, what the fuck ever. They may be great at warbling out a tune, but they are by no means qualified to render expert opinions about anything

It is a step, and only a step, in the right direction, towards realizing what pokemon could be someday. Pokemon is a game franchise which has never truly capitalized on it’s more adventurous aspects that make it special. Instead it has iterated time and again on the same tired formula since the original game boy

It’s looking better but i’m disheartened to see the return of turn based battles. I would have much preferred something more akin to the Dragon age games, with real time combat that you can freeze, or the pokken system. Also, these pokemon just look plopped on the map, instead of actually inhabiting their environment.

I’m going to breeze past the fact that this sounds like the dumbest premise every conceived for a video game. Look, I think any reasonable person will agree that as a society we need to take mental trauma far more seriously.