
Imma stand by it, The Stranger is either the founder of, or the apprentice to The Ren. This is gonna be a Knights of Ren origin.


My theory is that The Stranger isn’t a true sith at all, but either an early Knight of Ren or The Ren himself. The similarities between him and kylo’s helmet are just too similar to not notice. And it would make sense cuz disney is invested in ST lore.

Wondering if ‘Cuckoo’ refers to the bird, kind of a ‘Vivarium’ sort of situation.

Oh good we get to play as two badass supersoldiers.....and probably will be forced to play these other two generic ass dipshits.

no it doesn’t. if you want fun combat, there are literally dozens of other games that offer the same thing. The only reason anyone is buying this game is tiddies.


Beemers, Cybertrucks, and bigass pickups.

“We made a slick Titanfall inspired mech action film!”

The mech looks dope, i can’t believe her name is “Atlas Shepherd”. There is literally a titanfall mech called an Atlas. This looks fully ripped off of Titanfall, and I cannot believe they are having jennifer lopez be in this. Could have been a fun movie...

Now if only I could play a whole game without getting DC’d!

See, now I like Teslas. One less billionaire is a fucking good thing. Hoping this evolves as a feature of Teslas, the more necks you step on, the higher liklihood ur shitty car tries to kill you.

Hell yes. A well deserved win at the Oscars for once. The Animation category was STACKED this year. Nimona and ATS are both monstrously good movies with a new kind of artistry.

What in the actual factual fuck?! Did I overlook it or did RPG actually not make the cut?!

I’m cautiously optimistic about DD2. DD1 would have been so great if the damn thing hadn’t have been so frustratingly opaque. Even Dark Souls games guide you through clever world design, but DD1 lost me about 20 hours in due to me having no fucking clue what i was supposed to do or where to go.

#1, fuck Gale.

lol i’m SHOCKED anyone actually spent money to see this shit lol. It has always looked like an absolute trashheap

lol 100%

Love the musical, hard pass on the movie. The shoehorning of popstars into movies is fucking annoying and Ariana is particularly grating.