Thank God that God of War Rag is coming to ps4. Really the only one that looks interesting.
Thank God that God of War Rag is coming to ps4. Really the only one that looks interesting.
Genshin looks like a beautiful game with a fun world to explore, but the whole playing several protaganists and switching them out, not getting to create your own pass. Just like with FFXIV, it seems interesting from afar but upon a closer look it just loses all appeal.
I don’t give two fucks about his guy. However there is absolutely a huge issue with people facing consequences for comments they have made in the past (obviously actual crimes are a different story). If we’re going to torch anyone to the ground if they made some ill advised comments in the past, we’re eliminating…
I mean....isn’t shit like gay daddy dating sims? I’d say there’s some pretty fucking silly games out there my dude.
It’s because society worships the celebrity and money. In the end we’re all people who have at one time or another said or done something we regret, because we’re all fucking human. But jealousy and Instant Outrage (TM) dictates that we all get up in arms about shit all the fucking time.
While i personally find some of her views reprehensible, truly at blame is this country’s obsession with people who play pretend for a livings opinions. Actors, singers, models, what the fuck ever. They may be great at warbling out a tune, but they are by no means qualified to render expert opinions about anything…
It is a step, and only a step, in the right direction, towards realizing what pokemon could be someday. Pokemon is a game franchise which has never truly capitalized on it’s more adventurous aspects that make it special. Instead it has iterated time and again on the same tired formula since the original game boy…
It’s looking better but i’m disheartened to see the return of turn based battles. I would have much preferred something more akin to the Dragon age games, with real time combat that you can freeze, or the pokken system. Also, these pokemon just look plopped on the map, instead of actually inhabiting their environment.
I’m going to breeze past the fact that this sounds like the dumbest premise every conceived for a video game. Look, I think any reasonable person will agree that as a society we need to take mental trauma far more seriously.
Not surprised. Gigabyte has long been known to be the cheapo shitty option by experienced pc builders (along with PNY). I personally prefer Asus and MSI components for their blend of affordability, reliability, and performance. You'll never catch me putting gigabyte in a PC by choice.
The Bachelor/ette is just a platform for shitty people vying to become shitty influencers, watched by shitty people.
Unfortunately ffxiv just doesn't hold a candle to WoW. You're forced to play a smooth faced pretty boy, the combat is sluggish, and the PvP is dull.
Sorry, gonna keep playing WoW because i enjoy it and it’s been a pillar of my mental health this past year. Now with Delta surging where i’m at, we’re back to locking down and i lean on WoW as my community to hang out with my RL friends.
Speedskating space it!
I don’t know who needs to hear this but Black women’s pain anyone’s mental or otherwise, should never be your punchline. Ever.
Totally hear that. BoTW and TW3 would be near the top of the list for me.
This review is resplendent with verdant, esoteric adjectives, spilling rampantly across the ravenous page.
Those people were hired to do a job. They did the job and were compensated with the amount of money they agreed to.
That’s how company’s work homie. You build something that makes a fuckton of money and hire people to do the work you either dont have time to do or don’t want to do. Respect the hustle bruv.
The article has valid criticism. But this bit about metzen retiring at 42 is just bitter and petty.