
Lol what???!! Dudes are whining about sexy women in bikinis??? Why...

Step 1 start running.

lol....that he’s....14? Not everyone wants to be a streamer and it isn’t an indication they are ‘lazy’ or ‘cheap’. You’re advocating that your young nephew turn a hobby, something they do to unwind, into what is essentially a small business, one in which there is unchecked access for assholes to say horrible shit to

It’s because war games are fun, while real war is not. Shooting shit is grand fun in a video game....i feel like i’m talking to my grandma.

Yo this quest is based on one of the earliest cinematic trailers, also entitled “a night to remember”....

damn i have that and have never been able to get it to work!

Pro controller is great, but joycon is absolutely playable.

Counterpoint! I actually beat the game using a joycon, playing in handheld mode :D

I adore hollow knight. I’ve only had a few forays into the new brand of “truly punishing broooooooo” genre of games. Souls never resonated with me but bloodborne is on my all time faves list.

Grave and Neighbor double feature? Watch grave of the fireflies first and then to stop people from killing themselves quickly put on totoro. “WAIT! I know that was really really’s a happy forest spirit!”

This website writes way too much shit about this tall bitch.


While i admire her gumption, it takes Qanon lvls of stupid to think you get to just keep that money. It was obviously an accounting error.

Oh my jesus. Why?! Why why why do you people give a shit about this person? She’s just a rich daddy’s girl with nothing interesting to say. I’ a loss as to why this article exists.

Firstly, are you cats using some kind of template of late to write headlines? I’ve seen more “ __________ ain’t it” and “_______ did/did not get me through it”. ;) <3

Fat shaming is never okay. Overweight people shouldn’t feel less than or devalued. But at the same time, yes, yes it is important to course correct with our kids health. Yes this last year sucked. Yes it was stressful. But we can’t keep wallowing in unhealthy habits and hand wave away any responsibility. Yes weight

Yo whatever gets your motor running I guess.

Holy shit if this is a spiritual successor to Space Station Silicon Valley, fucking sign me up.

Here’s the thing. Lootboxes could by and large be considered a byproduct of the video game industry’s strange immunity to inflation. Back in the early 90s, games were anywhere from 50-60$. If they had kept up with inflation, games would be $100 or more a pop now. In addition to the stagnation of game prices,

Eat like a responsible adult, get regular exercise, drink water. Is it really considered a lifehack to do the bare minimum of being a semi-responsible adult human?