Quit. If you’re being abused at work, don’t take that shit. Quit. Anytime I’ve encountered a toxic workplace, i fucking quit, and got a better job.
Quit. If you’re being abused at work, don’t take that shit. Quit. Anytime I’ve encountered a toxic workplace, i fucking quit, and got a better job.
No pleasing some people.
...your first thought? bruh...
Neat absolutism. I like how you’ve left no room for nuance. I’m buying the game. I also think that trans-people have a right to a life of respect and dignity. I also think that having a nuanced conversation about trans-rights and transgender issues is impossible because of this kind of knee-jerk reaction.
Oh my god we get it. You don’t like Rowling anymore. Great for you. She has views you don’t agree with so we should ALL automatically stop enjoying harry potter ya? God forbid we have a fucking nuanced conversation about trans issues. I’m a card carrying democrat and pretty damn progressive to boot, but this knee jerk…
i couldnt give two fucks about what rowling is saying. been looking forward to a game like this since I was 11, over two decades ago. Let’s fucking goooooooooooo!
I fucking loved my first spellbreak solos. I tried Fortnite for a week about a year ago and found it to be shallow and ultimately very dull, with boring combat and a goofy building mechanic that i found unengaging.
It would be permissible but no one in their right minds would ever do that with automated drones. It’s impractical and puts the drone and bystanders at risk.
As written it is from the grass upwards is FAA jurisdiction.
Spoken like a true ignorant redneck. Have fun with that when you get slapped with a federal offense for shooting a firearm at an FAA regulated aircraft you dipshit.
Weird that the BOTW sequel is set in ancient greece....
I’m kind of bummed about what i’ve heard of Avengers. I was hoping it would be even more destiny-esque, with tight combat mechanics and open zones to do questing and such in. I had hoped that you could just pick your character and main them. But from what i’m hearing the only real value in the game is in the…
This is a lot of fluff that ultimately doesn’t seem to understand the beauty of the product. The world itself is honestly only the window dressing, the tool you can use for VFR. The planes themselves are the real stars. As much as I hate to point this out, this isn’t a game. It’s a simulator. And a damn good one at…
The biggest question i have, is are you forced to play as characters you don’t want to play as? I understand in the campaign you have to play as each character, but do you overall get to select a hero you want to be and play as them? I’m really only interested in Thor and Ironman, so if i’m stuck playing ms marvel or…
Uh....just buy an office chair. Why is this an article lol?
well, as far as I and a lot of others are concerned, AC valhalla is DOA. It follows the same sword sponge bullshit massively open world but nothing to do formula of origins and odyssey. I used to get so hype looking forward to AC games. Watched all the trailers, scoured the internet for leaks. Now...i’m done with the…
There’s an even simpler test.
I mean....its juvenille, but it is a video game tournament.
Sigh....no Silksong :(.
Fuck the troops. Most of them i’ve met are either insufferable assholes or willingly ignorant. They’re tools for global capitalism. We haven’t fought in any sort of meaningful war since WW2.