
It’s banned because it’s a symbol of hate and slavery you putz.

They may not be racist. But its the same as using a swastika. It’s a racist symbol. American’s have a boner for freedom, but using that symbol intrudes upon certain people’s freedom to feel safe and accepted in society. If your fucking identity is wrapped up in a nations flag that existed for 4 years, existed solely

It hurts my heart to see people so bereft of basic human decency. Life must be really rough for you, you angry bastard.

Well said :D

Maybe it was because they finally figured out that having a oozing nugget of dick cheese nurturing his little cheeselets with his droll brand of hatred and dick swinging wasn’t really in their long term best interest. One can hope the douche fades into obscurity and then steps on a rake.

I’m so excited to see the original cast recording. I saw it twice when the touring cast came through my city and they were absolutely incredible. Before I saw it I kind of poked fun at the whole idea out of ignorance, but since we saw it, my wife and I are evangelists.

Im shocked that the guy who co-founded cards against humanity is kind of a douche...well not that shocked.

This is a flawed list because Unity is not at the top. Despite its initial flaws (which have been corrected) it remains the best example of what Assassins Creed set out to do. Origins is a fun game, I enjoy it far more than Odyssey, but it’s Witcher 3 lite in Egypt, with bad dark souls mechanics.

Hang on....Are you actually suggesting that we, as a country, should have absolutely no police whatsoever? Honest question because i’m intrigued. What system would we have in place for public protection? Yes, policing is over militarized and corrupt, but they do serve a function in our society. With no police, what

Interesting...part of me wonders if the trans community is going to go after ‘male’ and ‘female’ components next....

Master & Minion is far better than master and slave anyway.

Completely fair. My definition of a martyr was subconsciously defined as someone who was a paragon of good character who died for a noble cause, which is a really flawed definition. Since then I’ve come to understand exactly what you’re saying. He’s a flashpoint.

Good point and well said! This is what i’ve come to the conclusion of as well.

whoa whoa whoa chill man. I’m not a conservative. I’m vehmently anti-Trump. It was just a question. You’re correct, he was absolutely murdered by the police. I just like to know the full story. Since i made that comment i’ve further chased this rabbit down the hall and i understand now that who he was as a person is

I doubt it. They’ll likely change it again at some point. And if you’re right, thank God for games that will actually carry the torch forward, like Ghost of Tsushima. And i’m holding out hope for an eventual remaster of Unity, which is really the apex of the series. With some additional love it would easily outstrip

Origins and Odyssey are massive downgrades from syndicate, which is a downgrade of Unity. Unity had a parkour and social stealth system that absolutely SHITS on the latest games.

AC3 is fantastic and you’re wrong. You have to actually dig in and spend time with the game building out your guild and doing all the homestead missions. The tree running and combat is super fucking fun and if you disagree you’re not a true American.

Its not an AC game. Its a Witcher rip-off. You’re a goddamn superhero, and yet it still takes a fuckload of hits to kill ‘boss’ badguys. There is no incentive to be stealthy, it apes the mechanics far superior games like dark souls, the witcher, and shadow of mordor. Its story is bloated and not engaging. It has

I heartily disagree. Unity had a rough launch but it still stands as the ultimate AC game. It is the only one that actually delivered on the series promise. Crowds large enough for social stealth to be believable. Fun, fluid, pretty parkour. Enemies that were difficult enough you were forced to be stealthy. A massive,

Ya uh. Hard pass. Maybe watch some let’s plays. I wanted so much to love the first TLOU, but after i beat the game all i felt was relief that i didnt have to play it anymore. It’s really fucking stressful and heavy. I’m a grown ass adult living in Trump’s America. I have enough stress in my real life. I think TLOU