
Completely fair. My definition of a martyr was subconsciously defined as someone who was a paragon of good character who died for a noble cause, which is a really flawed definition. Since then I’ve come to understand exactly what you’re saying. He’s a flashpoint.

Good point and well said! This is what i’ve come to the conclusion of as well.

whoa whoa whoa chill man. I’m not a conservative. I’m vehmently anti-Trump. It was just a question. You’re correct, he was absolutely murdered by the police. I just like to know the full story. Since i made that comment i’ve further chased this rabbit down the hall and i understand now that who he was as a person is

I doubt it. They’ll likely change it again at some point. And if you’re right, thank God for games that will actually carry the torch forward, like Ghost of Tsushima. And i’m holding out hope for an eventual remaster of Unity, which is really the apex of the series. With some additional love it would easily outstrip

Origins and Odyssey are massive downgrades from syndicate, which is a downgrade of Unity. Unity had a parkour and social stealth system that absolutely SHITS on the latest games.

AC3 is fantastic and you’re wrong. You have to actually dig in and spend time with the game building out your guild and doing all the homestead missions. The tree running and combat is super fucking fun and if you disagree you’re not a true American.

Its not an AC game. Its a Witcher rip-off. You’re a goddamn superhero, and yet it still takes a fuckload of hits to kill ‘boss’ badguys. There is no incentive to be stealthy, it apes the mechanics far superior games like dark souls, the witcher, and shadow of mordor. Its story is bloated and not engaging. It has

I heartily disagree. Unity had a rough launch but it still stands as the ultimate AC game. It is the only one that actually delivered on the series promise. Crowds large enough for social stealth to be believable. Fun, fluid, pretty parkour. Enemies that were difficult enough you were forced to be stealthy. A massive,

Ya uh. Hard pass. Maybe watch some let’s plays. I wanted so much to love the first TLOU, but after i beat the game all i felt was relief that i didnt have to play it anymore. It’s really fucking stressful and heavy. I’m a grown ass adult living in Trump’s America. I have enough stress in my real life. I think TLOU

Fuck yes. The Confederacy lost. We shouldn’t allow the conquered to fly their fucking flags.

It’s irrelevant to the larger issue at hand, which is the systemic racism and cops murdering black folks in our country, which is absolutely a massive problem.

Is all that shit true? None of that excuses that shit weasel murdering him but damn, if all thats true George sounds like kind of a shitty person.

I love Lime/Bird scooters. Extremely affordable, fun, and fairly clean way to get around. They alleviate parking pressure downtown. I’m sure if you live in a city that is completely choked to the breaking point with a never ending mass of human flesh you are probably a little cranky about scooters going around you,

Okay....or i’ll what I like, including using correct punctuation if I damn well want to. Just because this is a ridiculous article, i’m going to leave you a surplus of periods here.

Maybe if this bitch and her wet noodle of a husband spent less time picking out coordinated outfits and making fucking youtube videos and more time caring for their child, they wouldn’t have to ‘re-home’ them. Fucking assholes. There should be some kind of legislation that forces EVERY CENT of any video that kid was

Maybe if this bitch and her wet noodle of a husband spent less time picking out coordinated outfits and making fucking youtube videos and more time caring for their child, they wouldn’t have to ‘re-home’ them. Fucking assholes. There should be some kind of legislation that forces EVERY CENT of any video that kid was

I’m sorry, this is ridiculous. This is the same bullshit line of thinking as those dumbasses telling white people they shouldn’t go see Black Panther on opening night. Emoji are stupid little cartoons that children use, not legitimate forms of communication that should be considered by adults. Use whatever the fuck

Holy crap. Just googled ‘Hatsune Miku’. Is this thing a computer generated pop-star? like....its not a cartoon representation of an actual person? Holy shit this is insane lol I knew Japan was a bit eccentric but damn son.

I mean, shieldmaidens and valkyries are hella common in viking media. And it’s super cool that you have that option don’t you agree!

Perhaps...perhaps.....Boy Eivor is canon Eivor?