
If you want to see some strange and unusual stuff, head down to Noir Arts & Oddities in the West Bottoms. It’s a local retail store that focuses on natural science (taxidermy and wet specimens, and even a full-size human skeleton), antique medical, items from Victorian era mourning rituals, as well as some more modern

Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right. The assholes on standby should have stayed on standby. You don’t load a plane and then physically force a passenger off so you can make room for one of your employees (or any other standby passenger) and then get to maintain the moral high ground.

I agree with cblakeley. Neil’s reading is phenomenal. The audio production is pretty great as well but the story as a whole is a bit abbreviated so it can feel a bit rushed. The casting though was enough to look past most of those issues for me.

SPOILE... aw fuck it. If you’ve read this far, you (the royal you) already don’t care about what happens. ;)

Nothing so memorable for me at least. If I jacked it up while racing at least there’d be a story to go with it. I was working out with a trainer and while running, stupidly couldn’t stop myself in time from running into a wall so used my hands to brace against the impact. Right wrist hasn’t been right since.

Nothing so memorable for me at least. If I jacked it up while racing at least there’d be a story to go with it. I

SPOILERS (I’ve seen the movie)

Yes. He’s been awake for a year when he finally decides to wake her up. He tried many times to call for help, wake up people that could actually help him, learn about the pods so he could actually put himself back to sleep (inadvertently learning how to open a pod instead). He also knew

Hell yeah. Smooth edge openers for the win. I have a manual that I’ve been using for probably 8 years. Can’t see myself ever going to back to a cutting opener. Any good recommendations for an electric one? I jacked up my wrist a few years ago so it’s getting tougher to use the manual one as I get older.

Hell yeah. Smooth edge openers for the win. I have a manual that I’ve been using for probably 8 years. Can’t see

Did they mention (and I just missed) the “swipe left on the backspace button to delete words of text at a time” feature? I use that one liberally once I saw it mentioned.

I would absolutely stop using radar apps if the step system worked ... if I was on the go. Using those apps on my Android is an exercise in frustration. Now if I was at home with Pokevision up in a browser, I’m not so sure. If I saw a rare pokemon I didn’t have, I would still probably pull up the web app to see

Noisli is amazing. I work where there’s an open floor plan and this app is amazing for drowning out the noise around me. I can’t get the chrome extension to work for some reason but no worries, the website works just as well.

Thanks for this and after watching, I can firmly say that I’m not a fan of this system.

LSH is dead! Long live the theory of SBH! Bring us Sir Blackheart!

Finally! I upgraded to 4k a little while back and Fences 2 had my icons all wonky. Nice to hear Fences 3 will hopefully fix it.

YES! Printers. The primary and most annoying issue with Chromebooks, IMO. These machines work great for the Parents/Grandparents of the world, until they want to print those pictures from Facebook.

No no no no. It’s different because IwantTogoTothere was an asshole about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not true.

You are correct, sir. Ire ... has done been drawn.

Obvious spoilers...

RL Dookiefuck knows his ink, that’s for sure. I’m less sure about his choice of names.

RL Dookiefuck knows his ink, that’s for sure. I’m less sure about his choice of names.