
Not May's lever's, but pretty cool nonetheless.

This has to be a troll post, if it actually came from Scion's target demographic, it would have been preceded by a hashtag.

People who don't prank their kids on April Fools also have trophy cases full of participant ribbons.

Well that’s out the window then, hopefully hole digging technology catches up in a few years.

Judging from the dash cams, it would work great if there were no on/off ramps in Russia.

Catch crabs.

The blue is giving me velour flashbacks too, but not in a good way. 80's Buicks have ruined it forever. Overall, it's a sharp looking car.

Congratulations for making through the first paragraph! Must have been tough for you, there were many, many words. Now continue on the the very next sentence...

Except that chasing motorcyclists that have not committed a felony is specifically barred by the Florida code. Also is any tactic that could possibly cause the motorcyclist injury or death. i.e. spike strips & PIT maneuver.

I want to see what the lights on the front of the car look like before I pass judgment on the rider. The video doesn't add up, either the rider is making the most half ass attempt to flee the police, or he has no idea what this shithead is doing. Either way, the officer should be charged with attempted manslaughter.

If this dope can't calculate a tip, they're probably not smart enough to avoid eating at restaurants where they have previously stiffed severs. Karma.

& everyone know sea foam teal is a natural zombie repellant.

It's 4 or 5000 lbs, LS-7 good for 650-700 hp & 2 feet of travel in each corner cute. You know, Dakar is just glorified commuting & F1 is fat go karts, kind of cute.

Wow. People actually believe that stuff?

We'll sell our debt to any ally, the catch is that you must remain in our favor to be repaid. Look up the Office of Alien Property Custodian during WW2.

Why you gotta bring up old shit?

You ride a toy.

So they're not motorcyclists? Or did you mean bicyclists? Confusing. Of course bicyclists wouldn't do anything. You know, besides wax their mustaches, tuck their wieners back & try and tell you transmissions are stupid.

One of these is not like the other.