you must be very sad that deadspin killed comments
you must be very sad that deadspin killed comments
With that stripped out interior and racing seats, this is a solid NO DICE.
A “few grand” off a motorcycle? I’m always open to negotiation but you’d leave my house with an empty trailer also.
Captain Kangaroo. We miss you.
Remember five years ago when NA Miatas could be had for about as much as it now costs to fill up your gas tank? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
why would NYCDOT tow you in DC?
“Quite frankly though, this twitter twat needs to get a fucking life. The only thing dumber than sovereign citizens is the chucklefuck spending hours investigating their inner workings for internet points.”
At least 57 current US Senators are lawyers. Every judge is a lawyer. Half of the last 10 presidents were lawyers. My governor is a lawyer (as are 15 other current governors), as are at least 20 other statewide officeholders. The mayor of my town is a lawyer as is the county judge (the mayoral equivalent to a mayor…
They are still operating under the delusion that they are journalists. Because you know that on day one of journalism school they teach “watch a local news story and then write a summary.”
I prefer my Chevy Equinox to a Cadillac Escalade. Did I mention I’ve never driven a Cadillac Escalade?
And if you frequent Jalopnik (or used to) it’s been 80% reposts of articles from 2-8 years ago along with Erin’s shit articles and ability to shadowban you because you hurt her feelings.
Back when my daughter was doing her undergraduate engineering degrees, she interned during the summers with NASA at their facility at Edwards Air Force Base (Armstrong Flight Research Center, formerly known as Dryden) doing research for an upcoming Mars mission. They broke the sound barrier their and the facility is…
“E24s should have BBS gold basket weaves.” Yuk!
You sexy, sexy beast.
On the plus side, it’s all there and much of the issues could be corrected with little issue or money.
Ostensibly a pretty BMW from before when they got unnecessarily complex, but I’m certain unnecessary complexity will raise its head from somewhere under the engine bay of this pretty coupe with the Habsburg chin.
I’d be NP at $6k. Maaaybe $7k. But, at this price, ND. Especially with the wrong wheels.
If the Federal Election Commission says ballot initiatives aren’t elections then why are they making rulings about them? Wouldn’t ballot initiatives not being elections take them out of the FEC’s jurisdiction and the need for a Federal Ballot Initiative Commission to make this ruling?
Seems like everyone can buy into influencing America’s politics except it’s citizens. At least the not rich and connected ones. Thank god we live in a democracy
The sprint races were always a stunt and a gimmick.