
you’re proving my point, the fact he did it means he’s willfully misinformed. Noone on his team thought to say “hey boss, your assumptions are wrong, here’s why. Now lets go make some money”

but remember that Dr. Dre is a very, very rich person with a huge career and is probably a busy man most days. It’s not shocking he hasn’t found the time to sit down and play a GTA game


I just google what i wanna see and where it is, and then i go to that app...

this is the real headline

from what i understand you’d need a license to release the game? but if its not being released in china then whats stopping you from just throwing it up on play store or something?

are they still able to release abroad? these guys couldn’t make games for other markets during that time?

this would be amazing.

my friend was telling me this is how the orcs work in 40k. their spaceships have windows because they’re too dumb to know you can’t breath in space

and did not deserve hate for his beliefs

I know!

i still haven’t taken the time to get through one punch...

ive never heard of that

Because of antitrust enforcement, that’s why we have Google

that was done to curb car stereo theft.

You care obviously. The originals are what they are because it was physically impossible to do more. You are literally praising the limit of technology. I’m done with your dumbass lol

ya’ll misunderstood, my fault. I wasn’t referring to file sizes, i was talking about amount of content. cod2 has a lot of special features and such. It wasn’t a “small game”

I wasn’t referring about the file size. I was referring to the amount of content. sorry that wasn’t clearer.

wrong about what?

That’s true. Pc came with a lot of extras too was the point in trying to make. I’m not aware if the Xbox version came with all that, I don't play cod on console