Thats a limit of the technology not ambition. That’s like saying nascar was so simple and slow in the 70s. They built the fastest thing they could at the time.
Thats a limit of the technology not ambition. That’s like saying nascar was so simple and slow in the 70s. They built the fastest thing they could at the time.
Right, quake my bad
and receiving less of a game proves the point how?
wut? they’ve never made “smaller games”, this was big ass blockbuster stuff since day 1. cod2 was 6 discs of content.
its...not at all that. doom3 engine at 4k with shitty ray tracing tacked on. the game has all kinds of bugs, every patch introduced new ones, I lost count of how many times choppers needed to be removed. Servers for the most part were OK, I don’t remember launch much.
the game was massive before vanguard was ever released
thats fine, people get awful caught up about that sort of thing but eventually, you get in your own way trying to write around it. Keep it simple and keep it fun.
just further reinforces my feeling that video game culture has no idea how to tell the difference between “sex positivity” and “sex objectification”.
TIL what Babylons Fall is
which still serves as home to descendants of freed slaves
i managed to build and price out a kitchen within an hour or 2 of seeing the software for the first time. it’s not that serious.
the drop throws me off, not used to it in halo, and the slower than i assume firing rate
u w0t m8 1v1 me bro
the mangler is the worst thing to happen to my KD since the battlerifle
Is there some sort of etiquette to follow regarding reporting on this sort of thing? because nobody else in gaming journalism covered this.
I mean, he’s reiterating what all indie artists live by. I can’t be mad at this.
Fuck around and find out
But its the same owner?
I dont understand whats happening. Is Ruby not a Kotaku writer?
all i care about is triangle strategy and mario + rabbids, maybe mario strikers