
I never really payed attention to Indy cars, Christ that’s a sexy silhouette 

Valve open to money, news at 11

you’re confusing the store with the Publisher. yes thats how bestbuy makes money, come into the store to buy low margin stuff and hopefully buy a 300% marked up HDMI cable. The profit margins on a game are the developers to mess with. no retailer makes money on software/hardware

infinite 2. 343 is the halo studio

you’re a stronger man than I, i haven’t played a campaign since black ops 1

IMO when i see a discount price i consider that more of a real value, since they’re willing to sell it at that price and still make a profit, then thats wht its worth

we’re overdue for another gem fighter

they forgot the safe part

where the novelizations sanitized?

Lego: Uncharged: The Movie: The Novelization: The Video game

what? that’s stupid, then you have no reason to dismantle the bridge.

Counter point:

The boat, called the Y721, is based on Oceano’s famous ecologically friendly yacht, the Black Pearl, which is capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean “without burning a liter of fuel,” according to the company

move the factory jfc

then the company is fucking stupid for building something that cant leave the factory

i’m hoping when you buy a car hidden fees appears at the end upping the price by 12%

It was allegedly a hoax he orchestrated with his viewers to have the police called on an American Airlines flight to Phoenix for a bomb threat

Ok but restarting a track doesn't leave you at a checkpoint. It wipes your score and you start from the beginning.

the strategy can be difficult, the gameplay is incredibly easy like you say