
And for what it's worth here's what Stuart Smith says in his Nanarland interview : "I can't remember Godfrey ever directing Filmark movies to be honest with you."

Apparently Mike Abbott is the one that "confirmed" that Godfrey Ho didn't work for Filmark. Strangely enough the English Wikipedia entry for Godfrey Ho says this : "In the later interviews, Smith would confirm Ho was indeed the director of the Filmark films such as Ninja: American Warrior and Clash of the Ninjas." yet

You could be right and it would make total sense. In the interview he did for Hong Kong Cinemagic and Nanarland, Godfrey Ho denies having ever worked for Filmark (maybe he changed his tune since), but then again several of his claims have been debunked. I'm gonna have to ask the guys I know why they're so sure he

I have no idea if that's a good or bad thing…

I can't believe this is going to be my first comment on the A.V. Club, but here goes : the internet has spread a lot of misinformation on the subject of Godfrey Ho. Robo Vampire is a Filmark International Ltd. production, Godfrey Ho never worked at Filmark, he worked at the other big cut-and-paste production company