
It kills me to defend Marvel like this. I’d readily believe, if only someone might offer evidence, that Marvel has more sexism running through it than an incel 5K. But none of us should reward this quality of journalism with anything less than serious skepticism.

If you haven’t figured out that Mr. Barsanti just vomits out as many “please click me” articles as he can per day yet then you’re in for a fun ride here at the AV Club.

The dude gives no shits.

“Marvel offers prospective female director in-house support team to ensure that strict house style can be achieved. News outlet declines to research whether the same offer is made to prospective male directors. Internet comment-writer is left to supply the answer: Yes, that same offer is made to male directors. Even

The same talk was had with all the directors of tiny movies that got called up to giant tentpole movies. Every single one. And if they didn’t know before they immediately became intimate with the second unit and everything it does on these things. The idea that a director stands there while every single part of these

“It’s hard not to read that as being extremely sexist unless you understand that tentpole movies often have the action scenes directed by other, action-oriented directors, such as when the co-directors of John Wick made their names by being the second-unit directors on a ton of action movies and as everyone knows, a

Short answer: yes.  Even smaller productions, let alone a behemoth like an MCU movie, have hundreds of people working on it, sometimes at cross-purposes.  And they have pretty hard deadlines.  So having a second unit director out there doing the more “boring” stuff at the same time solves a lot of problems.

Actually, almost every director who works for Marvel has to endure this. They can change lines in the script and direct the actors on the set, but the action scenes are generally handled by the second unit director and the VFX supervisor on the base of the pre-vis animatics approved by Kevin Feige. That’s one of

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Doesn’t Marvel always have second unit guys handling the fight scenes, choreography, etc? I don’t think Taika Waititi was organizing the fistfight sequences himself. 

Important to note Marvel has employed several male directors with little to no action directing experience (Coogler, Waititi, Branagh) and has stunt/action coordinators handle a lot of the responsibilities where those types of scenes are concerned.  Easy to view this as a chauvinistic gesture, but it is in keeping

Okay, you need to enable the zero spoiler mode on your computer. It is a manual switch which looks like a little circle with a straight line sticking out the top of it. Press and hold that for five seconds. Then when the movie comes out and you’ve seen it, repeat the procedure to be able to join in discussions again.

You’re really going to complain about a “spoiler” of a freaking trailer? If you’re that sensitive to “spoilers” you should probably keep completely off the internet for a few months until the movie is out.

Do you realize that directors almost never get a say in the trailers that are released? Trailers are cut by the promotion department of the studio, and are often made well in advance of the final cut of a movie. Which is why it’s not uncommon for footage to be in a trailer that later gets removed from the final cut of

jesus calm your ass down it ain’t that deep

I mean they literally lied in the trailers for infinity war, anyone expecting them not to do so to protect A4 were deluded. 

When in Infinity War does anyone say the quote “Avengers: Endgame?”

Assholes for wanting their art to be revealed as they choose to do so? This isn’t politics where the public needs to know answers about our government. People really need to demand more from our administration press and less from our entertainment press.

And what they said, I guess, was correct. What you didn’t highlight are the words “whether or not the title was spoken in Infinity War.” They didn’t necessarily lie because you thought they just said that wouldn’t be the title.

Its already been implemented, STAB Damage is a thing, as well as weakness, double weakness, ect.  Been that way for a while.  Though I don’t think immunity has been put in though I only ever use super effective I don’t know off the top of my head.