
Just guessing, but I’m thinking that the 70 year old Mr Kawamoto might have some personal experience of the issue.

Early reports say they will be replacing the JAP three letter prefix with the randomly generated NIG, which, it is hoped, shouldn’t possibly offend anyone in Kansas.

Because listing it as manufactured by J.A. Prestwich and Company is so damn hard, right?


“internationally recognized”? You mean, colloquially used by people across multiple countries to refer to 6.5 or 7.7 Arisaka? Why not list your Kar98k chambered in 8mm Nazi?

Sure. Sometime after we stop dehumanizing entire ethnic groups.

It’s not a dumb association when the word is literally spelled out, random or not.

Sir, have you tried this novel approach called shoving your garbage opinion up your ass?

Yeah but honestly, so what? I can understand the frustration in not seeing these being used in their proper form but the majority of people who buy these without needing them are the reason why these are still being made. Jeeps, especially the Wrangler and Grand Cherokee, are a large part of what are keeping FCA

Want level is unreasonably high. I have no need for this, so why do i want it?

It’s like Michael Jordan deciding not to take a buzzer beater with a tie game, because he thinks there’s a chance he’ll commit an offensive foul, and they’re likely to win in OT anyway.

It can be both a rational decision and a loss of nerve, I think.

They should settle things via chess-boxing.

I just hope the loser tosses the board, sending the pieces flying, as tradition dictates.

Just finished. A few thoughts:

“although like all of the Marvel Netflix shows, it really could’ve benefited from a shorter episode order”

A fate worse than death? I really appreciate Frank’s restraint, because Billy is certainly going to be in a living hell looking at his cheese grater face.

I’m not sure how this never clicked for me until Billy started getting his face smashed into the mirror, but he’s Jigsaw. So, it seems pretty obvious that he’ll be back later.

I’m not one for guilty pleasures in action shows, but Frank denying Billy’s plea to mercy-kill him, and straight-up kicking his face into the mirror was so fucking satisfying.

I felt like the scene with the birds was one of those scenes that goes on too long, but then keeps going on so much longer that it becomes the right length. It started off about the metaphor and then became about how Lewis can’t innovate once a plan starts going wrong.