You’re way off base. I’ve played plenty of “free” mobile games, and this one is done pretty well.
You’re way off base. I’ve played plenty of “free” mobile games, and this one is done pretty well.
I have had no problem with checking in every once in a while. If you’retrying to maximize your play style for your campsite, then you never intended to play a slow, chill, game in the first place.
We’ll see
Nintendo’s other F2P game, FE Heroes, has not stopped being generous since it’s release with the amount of orbs they have given out.
Just when you thing it’s back to normal, BAM “We’re doing another 10 days of celebrating(new story quests, new events, etc), which means, more orbs to get.”
I’ve never seen a…
It’s honestly not like this at all. She’s overreacting in my (and a lot of other people’s) opinion.
“Sleazy” seems really overboard, here. It’s a free game with an option to pay a bit of money for furniture if you want to. Or you can just ignore that and play it completely for free. I don’t see an issue at all. Feels like a really sensationalist article. Like you’re going for make money. A little…
Nah, its not even remotely predatory. I think there is quite a lot to enjoy on it without paying a cent. The only people at risk here is the people who don’t like to actually play games or have little restrain or self control.
You are taking things to the extreme and quite honestly, I think it’s childish.
Kind of being overdramatic here. This is AC mobile, this isn’t a main series game like New Leaf and the games before it. It’s just a “sample” of the game.
Nintendo makes these mobile games to reach out to people who would never had know about the IP. So far, it’s succeeded in doing that.
Super Mario Run did not change…
Eh I don’t have an issue with anything you described. As you point out, waiting is the name of the game in any version of AC, and the games are designed specifically to be played in small chunks every day: talk to some animals, do a few chores, do a few bell-earning activities, and then do it all again tomorrow. That…
Knew AC was in trouble when they slapped all the amiibos into it. RIP, beloved AC. It looks like our paths won’t be crossing again.
I’ve been playing it for most of the day and I haven’t hit a point where I’m stuck with nothing to do. I don’t see the problem. You wait in regular Animal Crossing why does giving you the option to pay to skip waiting make it sleazy? If anything it’s generous by letting you skip the wait. I’d never pay money to skip…
In Pocket Camp, where the timers are very visible, I feel like I’m being taunted.
re Double XP: I suppose it was nice the got the “tvs”, until they get them home, open the box and discover three bricks and a manual that says “sucker” in 8 different languages :)
Step one: Divide rough;t 4 Billion by 31.
+1; incredible use of picture
Am I the only one who feels like the Nerd Rage panels were backwards? I know I’m not the only one who reads Top Left to Bottom Right.
April O’Neil’s middle name is Martha.
As long as fanboys defend the “Martha” nonsense, it will never stop being funny.
Martha jokes will stop being funny when that film stops being shitty.