
I’m guessing those Blue Lives Matters assholes are going to be conflicted as all hell. On the one hand, they’re going to argue that the drunk chick had it coming. On the other, black guy. Truly a Sophie’s choice situation for them.

That Penny Arcade comic sure is something, huh? Thanks for using the dynamic, limitless canvass of comics to directly inform us that you are upset about a Star Wars game.

Of those posts that you commented on, how many were related to Trump or the anthem?

Oh, you didn’t get the memo. When POC need help, they are looking for handouts. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and help themselves like ol’ Trumpy did!

Rant: I just don’t get this response to the kardashians. Who cares if they didn’t “earn” their fame? Also that’s not even accurate. Kim got her initial fame from a sex tape released without her consent but this family has STAYED famous because they promote and promote and promote and model and start make up lines or

I genuinely do not understand the hate for her and her family. I’ve seen their show at the gym a few times and they all seem like decent people. A bit shallow and melodramatic for sure, but committed to one another and good at what they do (which is creating entertaining content and making tons of money in the

Jezebel has become a platform for women to shit on other women. It’s super depressing!

Thank you. Kind of tired of all of the women on here tearing her down for...what, exactly? Are any of us perfect specimen who do/say everything right all the time? Yeah, so she’s vain and probably shallow. But I’d bet a lot of the assholes on here saying Kim’s paying lip service are the same ones bemoaning Taylor for

For a feminist website (wait, is Jezebel still a feminist website?), the people around here sure love to shit on a woman who, despite her faults, is using her absolutely massive platform to bring awareness and HELP PEOPLE IN NEED.


Trump supporters are grifters of the highest order just like him so they won’t donate. Look at his fucking cabinet members and their use of private jets to travel. Kim has her flaws but so do all of us. Also, I am with her about Caitlyn who is one of the (very small in number) worst people in my LGBTQ community.

She’s also a vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood.

She does this stuff a lot.

“To the people of Puerto Rico: Do not believe the #FakeNews! #PRStrong”

I really hope Trump talks shit about Kim Kardashian on Twitter after this. The resulting doom will be amazing. If there’s one thing I learned from the Taylor Swift feud, it’s that you don’t piss off Kim Kardashian’s Twitter fan base.

Good for her. She has an enormous platform and she is putting money where her mouth is.

Honestly, if she can bring more attention to the situation in Puerto Rico, AND make more people realize how shitty Trump is, then good for her.

She has a huge platform and is using it for good. Very cool, KKW.

Petty theory: I bet Kim Kardshian fans have donated more $$$ than Trump supporters to the Puerto Rico catastrophe.

Idk man Kim is starting to grow on me. Do I still think she’s vain and superficial, yes but I’m starting to see some growth in her and I appreciate her efforts. This world is so weird man. I think I might have to start drinking again.