
The 60 battery does not need to be as deeply charged to hit it’s range, and can have more cells go bad in the pack before warranty service is needed. So, there is a price basis on difference of how much charge is accessible. As more real world data came in, Tesla dropped the lower battery option. You can argue the

Not to defend Tesla, but you would be surprised at how common this practice is in the industry. The difference is that most of the time you don’t know what you are missing out.

Yeah good example. Imagine you buy a 6 cylinder dodge for 1000's cheaper and then later can upgrade without going to the expense of swapping out the whole engineblock drivetrain etc etc.

The other option is for them to engineer and make assembly lines for both the 30 and 60 slot piece of equipment thus raising the cost for customers of both versions.

That analogy only works if the video game in question has two versions. One that costs $60 and has all the content. The other costs $45 and has some of the content removed that you can later buy if you choose.

Please defend that, I look forward to it.

I actually enjoyed the American Godzilla. If it wasn’t called Godzilla, it would have fared much better with monster movie lovers.

20th Anniversary next year:

Gee I just can’t figure out why average citizens of San Francisco who just want to use the streets to get from point A to B like normal, or for pedestrians who want to cross safely with their children without getting hit by an OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL skater don’t like skaters.

Gee, I wonder why cops don’t like skaters. Maybe because they’re taking over a public road that isn’t closed off for them and making traffic impossible on it.

Technically they are doing their job. The officers’ commanders are the ones giving them orders. Part of their job is to listen to those orders.

How was he bad at his job? Did you see how fucking far that dork went?!

No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.

I like that there’s a marked difference in Drax since the first movie.

I’ve been an ardent supporter of the TurboTeen hypothesis. Now you’ve given me nutrient paste for thought.

Which I would absolutely pre-order.

I totally misread that as a Batman game with Damon Wayans...