
If you’re trying to shame me in to feeling bad that I wish Wayne LaPierre, a man who for the last 28 years has led the movement that has caused mass shootings, including school shootings, to skyrocket in the US, all while showing a callous indifference and saying the only solution to these killings is “more guns”,

I’m sorry Wayne, but I think there’s only one way out of this disgrace for you:

Now playing

Hold your horses, the best ones was in TNG.

a lot of armor is only intended to be used for a single firefight, and gets replaced once it’s received some damage.

Isnt that true of any armor though? Everything will give with enough sustained impacts to the same area. 

So the same as any armor?

It is less functional than an ergotron arm and 800 dollars more expensive.

Peak Battlefield gameplay remains Battlefield 4. Doing anything else is merely DICE refusing to acknowledge stuff.

I expect an elaborate barricade to at least involve 2 toasters.

Are we calling that “elaborate”?

anyone attempting to extort our business by holding our property illegally

Hey that’s not bad. I remember “in game footage” from Night Trap on Sega CD. The “game” was awful, but, FMV on CDs!!! On a new CD platter add-on system to the Sega Genesis!!1!

As tempting as it is to live in a deep blue state, my vote means little there. It means a hell of a lot here. 10 years ago - hell, five years ago - all of my congressional representatives were Republican. Now, we’re active and mobilized (and there’s simply more of us) - and I have a Dem congresswoman in both the US

Also I don’t think it’s a good marketing strategy. I mean, if I saw this game being sold and didn’t already know what it is because I just read about it, I’d just think it was a remake - which I won’t buy because I’ve already played the game. I can’t be the only one who wouldn’t pay full AAA price for a remake.

“We get dirty, so the world stays clean.”

Okay, so it looks like they’re going to be adding new missions to the original ModWar?

Incidentally, I always laugh whenever a trailer says “in-game footage.”
For example here’s a still shot from some “in-game footage” from Command & Conquer on the PS1:

Beyond burgers look weird, taste terrific. I prefer them to Impossible, actually. Way more meat tasting than the author implies. 

It didn’t even seem like super serious backlash, at least from what I saw. It was almost entirely just lighthearted dunking on something that looked stupid.

they treat their straight, white, protestant employees very well

“They treat their employees very well.”