It sounds to me that Ingress is for hardcore gamers, while Pokemon Go will cater more towards casual players.
It sounds to me that Ingress is for hardcore gamers, while Pokemon Go will cater more towards casual players.
When in tablet mode, it looks like it has a cracked screen... just like a real iPad!
We all suspected it.
Does that wallpaper count as clutter? It’s horrible.
I love a good metaphor, these are great! (Must be why “Darmok” is my favorite ST:TNG episode.)
Actually, mall employees shot the statue to keep the child safe after the child crossed the barrier.
You might suck at first, but the learning curve isn’t as high as games like COD/Destiny/Battlefield.
Sounds like there should be a way of rating your support abilities with the actual kills, like if it is unlikely the player who got the kills would have been successful without your help, then YOU get PotG.
Then there’s the pressure this puts on your girlfriend. Much depends on which branch of Christianity she’s part of, but while some are chill and live-and-let-live, others can be very much “us-or-them”.
I haven’t played Overwatch yet, but the Battleborn beta was completely unplayable on my laptop (with a respectable 660M GTX discrete GPU), which was surprising because I have absolutely no problems with the same developer’s other FPS titles (Borderlands 1/2). Blizzard seems to try to make sure their games will run on…
How dare they not cast a Japanese actress with naturally purple hair and large round eyes!!
I believe I have flown Frontier, and although I’ve heard people complain about them, I didn’t have nearly as bad an experience with them as I had the one and only time I’ve flown Spirit.
Absolutely not surprised Spirit is last. Worst. Period. Airline. Period. Ever. Period. (Yes, I’m pronouncing the extra periods on top of the “Periods,” they are that bad.)
I may have to try this. I get bugged by the update message all the time, but despite Microsoft saying my machine is compatible, my OEM (Lenovo) says it’s not and is also unwilling to release W10 drivers that would make it so.
There’s... an innocent civilian who gets Lieutenant Dan’d...
My problem is that as much as I might like to upgrade, my laptop OEM says my machine is not supported for Windows 10. Microsoft, of course, disagrees, and bothers me every single day telling me it’s compatible and wants to upgrade NAO!!!
I owned D2, I played D2... and yet... I never finished D2. For some reason, I always stopped playing right before reaching Diablo, and I can’t tell you why.
“Tell me about a time you failed.”
How does one refer to relations by marriage? Genealogically (blood-relationally speaking), I understand that there is no relation between myself and my step-sister’s husband’s cousin, but when a big family of interrelations meets, do I refer to this person as my “cousin” or my “step-cousin-in-law?”
I cannot express how much I hate the new Iron Man armor. Looks like it came from an anime reject.