

For a moment there, I thought it was going to say sublimation is when you go directly from solid to gaseous (best example being when ice cubes shrink). Never even knew there was a psychological use of the term.

They left out the part when they all popped a Mentos after finishing their drinks.

Except WB toons were so much better than Disney.

Was there no mention on the bearing of beard length? I keep mine trimmed to the point where it isn't much more than stubble. I could see "ironic" beards being a huge turnoff, though.

That's a good point! How does the taste compare? And the buzz, for that matter? ;)

Here was the math I used, and the end result has changed a bit since I last did it, but not by much.

SodaStream advertises that you can make various beverages at home for less than what they are sold for at the store. I did a bit of math a while back, and it seems to me that a 12-ounce serving (equivalent to the usual can of soda) costs about $0.25. That's no different than I pay for any mainstream brand when it is

"Oh my god, I could just write down what the characters are thinking."

^ This.

I'll just put this here.

Just get all all 3 hours in the Avengers director's cut blu-ray, thanks!

Ill just leave this here.

Is it just me, or do hermit crabs actually look more closely related to lobsters than they do to crabs?

Berocca vs Mentos. Discuss.

Does the caramel color contribute to the flavor, or is it strictly for aesthetics? If it does not change the flavor, then just get rid of it.

Parent: "My kid is complaining about horrible stomach pain!"

Follow the money. 'Nuff said.

Damn tootin' that's why I'm on Sprint! It's the only thing keeping me with them, particularly since they never seem to get the best phones out of the gate (GSII probably being the one exception, for as short as it lasted at the top).

Give it to me in YouTube format, and I'll watch it. I assume watching it on Apple's site will require me to install QuickTime, which I gave up on years ago when they started requiring iTunes as part of the download.