
The first 3 episodes would have enough time to cover a 2-hour "year one movie" on the island, then they could dedicate the rest of the season to his return to society.

So, Robin is an annoying fat kid now? I always knew there was a reason I preferred a solo Dark Knight.

The important question is: when can I buy these for $40/each on ThinkGeek?

Well *obviously* that is Jesus showing up again in another mysterious way. After all, he likes to show up in a nice painting once in a while, instead of yet another grilled cheese sandwich, tree trunk, rusty wall stain, dog arse...

Oddly, I hear Siri understands Welsh perfectly.

I have downloaded but not used the updated version yet (will try it out when I leave the office).

I swear that is a PSP case she is storing her games in. Looks just like mine.

This would be better if you could remove the bridge dome to reveal a bowl of chips and dip.

Unfortunately, Iran has already disabled it with a CB radio.

I think the most important question we should be asking is: If every-other version of Windows is bad ('95 bad, '98 good, Me bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good), should we be worried about Windows 8?

This seems to go give further credence to a recent U.K. study which showed that the amygdala, a.k.a. the "fear center" of the brain, is larger in conservatives than it is in liberals. This explains why Fox News fearmongering is so popular among conservatives.

OMG I watched the weather control mad scientist episodes of General Hospital when I was a little kid one summer. Nice flashback (not really).

They are all on the same softball team? I'd check the bus they use to get to their games. Those buses are often owned by and unique to each school and possibly even each team (not the same yellow buses owned by the district). Possibly something in their gear, as well.

Alan Rickman was snubbed. 'Nuff said.

Reminds me of the one Harry Potter movie when Filch is removing paintings at Hogwarts and dumps the subjects out of view. (Tried to find a video clip, no luck.)

♪Ooh, that smell

Now playing

I think I know where McDonald's got the idea for this.

Spoiler in the video! Liara will be available as a team member again! I guess she's taking a break from being the Shadow Broker.

Since satire is protected as free speech from copyright laws, all we need to do is write an app which will automatically convert any site using RIAA/MPAA content into Weird Al/Sweded versions.

Definitely the only way to go camping.