Or you can just get a wifi webcam to put in the garage and take a peek from your smartphone from any room, or even away from home.
Or you can just get a wifi webcam to put in the garage and take a peek from your smartphone from any room, or even away from home.
Reminds me of some of the designs they list at [www.fabprefab.com] Some of those houses are incredibly cool, and makes one wonder why we still use such archaic building methods for most homes.
Seems you can only download this via browser instead of the actual Market app? Anyone else notice this?
Well, this did take place a long time ago.... the light is just now reaching us.
Holy crap, how could they forget the bacon??
Dry-aged followed by cooking it sous vide... could it get any better?
So we can blame the temporary ban on red M&M's on Alzheimers? Good thing they brought them back!
"Well, it turns out that HIV mutates over time in a way that is analogous to the way email spammers change their tactics to beat filters."
"The ATM charges me 2 bucks, my bank charges me 2 bucks..."
If you bury mass quantities, what will be left for Beldar and Primat to eat?
I experienced something similar with my own Galaxy S II (Epic 4G Touch) just this morning.
I figured out that a gene therapy treatment was possible about 15 years ago when it was discovered that about 2% of the caucasian population carries a mutation in a gene which makes them naturally resistant to HIV.
The guy demoing the dash unit must not like it very much, as he keeps giving it the finger. It's particularly funny when he says "come around from this direction" at 1:38.
It's the keystroke data that REALLY bugs me. Users of password apps (KeePass, jVault, etc.) should be extremely pissed about this.
Sprint and Samsung... Great, and here I was enjoying my Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch.
Sooo... remind me why we weren't allowed to chew gum in school?
Agreed, these look identical to what I saw in the infamous pepper spray video.
I think we all know who the real Doctor is. Then again, he might want to test a theory by destroying the planet first so he can save it later...
Indeed. After all "Shichinin no Samurai" was translated as "Seven Samurai" , not "Seven Samurais".
I wonder how many shark fins and rhino horns were used in this procedure.