
Still, most white people won’t do shit.

Do you equate Kanye with R. Kelly and Chris Brown?

They used to give medals for fighting Nazis. This country is so fucking ass-backward under Trump.

Why would someone drive miles from their home to march with Nazis? Because as they admitted in their e-mails they were there to start a race war.

Attacking someone with a flag pole is not an idea fight you fucking idiot.

So what does this idiot judge expect him to do? Be docile and let this nazi motherfucker kill him? Fuck this judge, fuck the feckless cunt police and fuck the DA too!

Look at those tubs of rancid mayo swinging their confeduhrate flags like weapons as they approach an old man.

No. When one of us pasty-faced fucktards is being racist to you, you fucking tell us. You shame us. You make us realise that whatever they may think of you, that our words and actions hurt you and they are not fucking acceptable to any fucking decent human being. You don’t pussy-foot around racism. You don’t dress it

Whenever you hear about “working-class white people,” you can be sure they own a Ford F-150

That’s under working class. That’s Im not rich bitch, so Im going to be racist.

Inequality advocates - I stopped reading because I had to go and write that term down somewhere.

You missed “economically anxious.”

You might need a moat for that fucker.

There’s guy who lives down the street from me who has three flag poles in front of his house. Currently on them are an American flag, A blue Lives Matter Flag and A don’t tread on me Flag. I keep a security camera permanently pointed in his direction.

I hear “Rural” a lot. Which just stands for “white, straight and male” I prefer “inbred skunk fucker”

I love you, my nigga.

Yeah, shout outs to this police officer for not immediately bashing all the POC on the kidneys with big sticks as soon as he showed up.

Nah. Cops not murdering and brutalizing everyone and anyone in their path is exactly their job. To recognize restraint and logic as something special just feeds into the notion that these assholes have the right to be death-dealing, invincible street gods. Police *are* the enemy when they wield power over life and

Hey, sometimes you gotta call the police when people won’t talk to you about your depression, amirite?

Pouty Poolside Patty wasn’t content to ruin their mood by forcing an interaction, she had to call the cops on top of it! White entitlement is baffling.