
I'm an idiot for thinking that pointless hate toward someone based on nationality is pointless? I have been called worse for better reasons I suppose.

this looks ....

Whoa, whoa, whoa now. Let's not bring Sewer Shark into this. Sewer Shark is just over here minding its own business, and you levy that kind of cheap shot? Not cool, man. Not cool.

Deal with it.

I understand that anonymous commenting is really important to Gawker, but why not have a rule where you have to have been a member for a month to post an image? Wasn't the image problem from accounts created recently, just for that purpose?

I feel bad for Bobsplosion.

She doesn't mind indulging creepy, sentient AIs.


Obligatory (We miss you, Owen)

Speaking of copyright violations: hello there, illegal scanlation aggregate website.

The second line reads, "Resolutely Resist the Pollution of Dalian by Japanese Porn Stars."

And one guy was a douchebag on the internet. Life went on.

I read this post earlier this morning and come back now to find that no one has done anything. I am not pleased.

I would like to save everyone some money and say do not buy this. I purchased three and none of them fit the ds4 without damaging it. It also messes with your fingers on the back triggers. Just my two cents though, I should of listened to the YouTube videos on it.

I would like to save everyone some money and say do not buy this. I purchased three and none of them fit the ds4

Brian was taller than Jason, but very thin. It took no effort to push him up against the nearest wall. Jason leaned against him to pin him there. He could feel the other writer's heart pounding in his chest beneath his hand. He smiled, pleased at the reaction he'd caused. It made him feel powerful.

In Korea it's the left wingers who are anti-Japan. They are the ones associated with the Communists. The right wingers (conservatives) are the ones who have historically supported ties with the Japanese. President Park has broken from this tradition mostly because her father was a dictator and pro-Japanese and she

Right wingers in both countries tends to think of the other country as inherently inferior/barbaric.

That's not true. A few years ago, Kpop was the biggest selling music in Japan. Before that, Korean dramas were incredibly popular in Japan. As for your other points, everyone is complicit. It's not just Japan getting along with other countries, but other countries getting along with Japan. It's a two way street and

You took the quote out of context. There is nothing wrong with offense if it is genuine and legitimate. In this case, it's not wrong because "Jap" and "Nip" have a history of being used in derogatory manners, "Brits" does not. Fry was referring to people claiming offense without legitimate reasons. Claiming that you