
64-player online HD F-Zero. THAT is best news.

I say this every year............

Psst, here's a sneak peek for Nintendos.

My Ex Does That......

Level 5 pls localize this

Easily more entertaining than anything at E3.

They should all wear pink pants.

This is the biggest middle finger. I've waited 10 years for a new Conker Game, and what do I get? DLC for a game I'd rather have on PC. Thats Bullshit

My favorite show growing up was Batman the Animated Series. I rewatched it last year and holy crap not only did it hold up but it was still entertaining, and there was alot of plot i know i didn't get back then

Now playing

Let's not forget how awesome the Carl Barks comic is.

If it were possible to visualize magnetic fields, the knot on the floor would probably look something like this:

I'm a little late to the party but I recently picked up DKCR2 for Wii U and am having an absolute blast with it. Just got to the last island and getting ready for the final battles.

Pretty different. There are a lot of changes to the Sega CD game compared to the ones that release. While the 'best' version is probably the PS rerelease, the one I always identify with is the one I originally played on the Sega CD. We're not just talking changes to the battle system, either. Huge chunks of the story

Checking over the list... hmm...

Wha.. no Sega Master System - Phantasy Star? Me am sads :(

Skies of Arcadia would be great, I'd also love to see Chrono Cross in there, but I suspect that the schedule won't be altered more (he originally posted about this a bit ago, soliciting feedback).

For a second there I thought "damn, Break must be a hell of a game"...

oh im sorry, i wasnt aware that the oxygen i breathe took a back seat because people want to smoke...